That is completely untrue.
That is completely untrue.
dude, if you have a savings account with money in it at all, pay off that credit card debt immediately.
Mine were pure poetry, now lost to the ether.
but it was more difficult!
On the one hand, I didn’t even have Myspace until college. (We just chatted on AIM throughout that era.)
use the coupon code.
use the coupon code.
I believe they would have to make their code open source, and probably don’t want to.
Holy damn, Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod AND The Kurgan are in this? There can be only one!
I am old and don’t know what you mean about Fall Out Boy.
Fair! I will take an aimless drive in a Cabriolet down Cabrillo Street, which runs alongside the gentle surf of the Pacific, listen to the Garden State soundtrack, and reflect on my curmudgeonly mood. Seriously though, today has been weird.
On a boring October Tuesday at work in my aggressively air-conditioned office, I was going to comment on this story. I was going to say something to the effect of, “Uh, okay?” or “Huh?” or “So?” but then I was reminded of a sentiment instilled in me from the hazy long ago days of my youth. If you don’t have anything…
To be fair, Maynard is the least cool thing about Tool, and A Perfect Circle does indeed suck. Tool was cool despite him, not because of him.
There’s nothing wrong with kiwi skins. That’s where the vitamins are.
This Superman outfit isn’t made to appeal to hetero-females watching the movie.
Does no one but me see the dog’s face on the tortilla?
No, just a “boring” subway. You can perform your nonsense in the rest of the world.