Asano Sokato

On the one hand, it is true that those things require money.

No. They're relevant because white people like them. Most of my friends dont know who they are.  But the racist white dudes at my job do.  They are not our problem nor our fault.  They fodder for racist white people.  Period. 

Tyler Perry’s “Madea’s Coonin’ Day Off”, coming soon to theaters at Mar-a-lago and the Hamptons.  I hear the pre-show cartoon is Bones and Tambo.

So Twitter can come for them for spreading misinformation but somehow, Trump, his spawn from Hell Don Jr. Hannity, Ingraham and other pieces of shit still didn’t lose their accounts for pushing the same bullshit talking points? I mean Ingraham was basically advocating for the usage of a drug that hasn’t been FDA

The only thing worse than a yelling tantrum toddler is a toddler who has been quiet for more than 5 minutes. Because you have to get up and go investigate that shit to make sure they’re still alive and not just quiet because they’re trying to stick their tongue into the electrical outlet. 

The draft has been one of the major hang ups of Feminism and equality since the beginning. Either fight to be included into selective service or fight to end it. So far we have not seen anyone fight to end truly end it.

Shit, he should insist on getting enough for a down payment on a house outside the red lines, after covering tuition, room & board and meals.

Yeah, we shouldn’t expect any responsibility from the guy who said:

In this case, they fired the brutal cop, and then they fired the “good cop” who didn’t report the brutal cop. If this was SOP everywhere, every time, we’d live in a better world.

People who aren’t determined to live life as a soulless miserable husk trying to drag everyone else down with them. 

I mean, you eat KFC with your hands, so any pathogens on your fingers are getting transferred to your food, whether or not you actually lick your fingers

I don’t have enough eyes to roll at this.

And still one piece of cheese? The mark up most be too good to pass on a extra slice of cheese for free. Who the fuck just wants one piece of cheese and more than one hamburger patty ?

He seems to be confused between O’Rourke’s proposal, an outright ban on assault weapon manufacture and sales with a mandatory buyback which would essentially criminalize possession, and Biden’s, which would have a ban on new sales and manufacture combined with a voluntary buyback with the alternative of registration

He was full of shit and I am quite glad that someone confronted a Fox News watching talking point repeating Chud and gave him his ass to kiss. Being timid and polite to these fuckers is how we got here.

Well, the auto worker was full of shit. And he was acting like a horse’s ass.

Noting that the defamatory tweets were from 2009 when he was 23 years old”

16% of the comments below (so far) mention a thing I have never even contemplated: people put dirty fucking diapers in the seat-back pocket?? I never want to leave home again.

You don't NEED TO watch any film, but if you love Shakespeare and Claire Danes, there's really no reason why you shouldn't try this one. It's true to the source material and has aged well enough.

Also the incredible Harold Perrineau as Mercutio, bursting into that ball scene in that fabulous silver outfit with the enormous wings and pretty much putting the film in his pocket and walking off with it.