Asano Sokato

Too often their blue makes them forget their black.

Aww hell no. 

that is the oldest profession.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Batman Rises both arose just seven years ago. Too soon.

I thought I was special. I mean I feel special. But I'm only 18-special. (Woohoo passport! Y'all do know Trump is president, right? You better get that passport while you can. Do some research on asylum laws in other countries.)

Also, when referring to college kids, seldom is "privileged assholes" inaccurate.

... is?

Babette's Feast.

A show that is equal parts Monty Python and Game Of Thrones is not perfect? To that I say, Good day, sir

It’s disappointing that I read “Netflix Vikings and thought Norsemen and was excited there would be more of that great series.

Max Martin is pretty much doing DJ Earworm's job for him.

That’s like saying these mashed potatoes just ended up tasting like potatoes.

Yeah, in the U.S. it was, “Let’s fight a bloody war to free ourselves from royalty.” Then, “But let’s treat the president like a king.”

That this movie is not being created by some combination of Kaufman/Gondry/Jonze is a cinematic travesty.

The Hatfield cover is too much like the original. What's the point? 

Once again Wendy’s refuses to release the snowman flavored frosty. The war on Christmas continues.

I want tho live in a state that has liquor in grocery stores. They should put that information on the state seal.

Not having seen the answer, I thought, What! Half of all pancreatic cancer sufferers survive? And thought that was sweetly encouraging.

One hundred?! So print a list of all the shows and throw darts.

It would be bad if you didnt laugh at every line.