“... nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is,”
“... nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is,”
How is, “It wasn’t funny or clever” tiring?
In what world is someone shocked that a 74-year-old white woman from Alabama did some racist shit in her past?
So much perfectly good food wasted, thrown out, yet employers are charging their workers for a simple meal. The destructive greed of capitalists continues to baffle me.
Only liberals care about children being abused. Conservatives consider it the price of doing business.
But Kinja wants no more of desktop comments.
OK, Donald. Orlando is great.
Is this a signal a beginning to the end of cancel culture? Or was that Trump hosting?
A chicken nugget is chicken surrounded by bread, so they are sandwich, not a hot dog.
Nope. Nope nope nope. Nope.
Cardi endorsed Bernie. Pretty sure The Root has already sidelined her.
Dismiss this all you want, but in 50 years musicologists* will be expounding on the genre of Becky Rap Songs and how they turned the same two-note melodies and half-rhymes lifted from Instagram posts into 100s of major hits. Ke$ha will be noted as a pioneer.
JEB! At The Disco would have won the election.
Oh, right, just go up to a 10-foot-tall stranger and ask some random question. What are you, high?
Your “eyeballing challenge” has been accepted!
Comb your back, Paul Rudd; comb your hair over your forehead, Paul Rust.
Funny, you saw creepy zombie turtles, I saw very polite turtles queuing up.
Ten years later, and now with tea, still team no-one.
What you did there, I see it (unlike a Duplass Bros project).