If you use the YouTube Kids app you CAN block channels :)
If you use the YouTube Kids app you CAN block channels :)
My philosophy is this: tell family and close friends right away—anyone who you’d feel comfortable calling for comfort if there is a miscarriage—but don’t tell everybody until later. When I had my miscarriage, a couple people I had told about the pregnancy missed the news about the miscarriage, so a few weeks later I…
My favorite is “as stated in the email below, __________.”
And some are!
You’ve never had your phone fall out of your pocket? Or accidentally left it sitting on the couch/nightstand/kitchen table?
You can add individual YouTube videos to the “web” section of FreeTime, so the kids are restricted to only those videos (rather than all of YouTube by the YouTube app). I added a bunch of Blippi videos there on my daughter’s Fire tablet. It’s annoying because you have to add them one by one by one, but it’s worth it…
Go to the freetime settings and choose “add/ remove content from freetime,” then uncheck the box next to YouTube. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201730160
Are you me?!?
Same here. My main address is the goofy one I made when I was 15, but for real people (as opposed to mailing lists) I give the one that uses my real name.
Dang it, why’d you have to tell everybody?!?
It always makes me think of this:
So far, Amazon Music Unlimited has had everything I’ve searched for. So unless you’re a fan of really obscure music, the selection is probably equivalent.
So far, Amazon Music Unlimited has had everything I’ve searched for. So unless you’re a fan of really obscure music,…
Yeah, exactly.
And Hurricane, UT. (Pronounced hurry-kin. UGH!)
That’s true, but that doesn’t apply to ALL poor people. Some have enough wiggle room in their budget that they COULD pull off some of the bulk items once you factor in the savings from using subscribe and save.
Who’s to say they don’t already have one? “Doing the dishes” could refer to unloading and reloading it—less of a chore than hand-washing, but still a chore that someone’s got to do.
This one may be a life hack, but articles like “this is how many iPhones you’d have to not buy to afford health insurance” and “get ready for $1000 IUD’s and $1600 colonoscopies under Trumpcare” are pretty much just political commentary.
Try using the custom tags option. You could make tags for “mild cramping” and “severe cramping,” for example.
Me too! The shoulder belt is usually digging into my neck—and I’m 5'2"!
I’ve been doing the New York Times Seven-Minute Workout in the Seven app by Perigee. I like the challenge from having only three lives a month, and the fact that the workout is only seven minutes makes it easy to fit into my schedule. And my three-year-old loves trying to do it with me!
I’ve been doing it for about…