
“Haha see we’re not the only ones who crash all the time”

there is always a new improved platform literally right around the corner... it is called... the future!  :)

I had a plan to binge watch it in preparation for the new grand tour that may or may not come in dec.   now my life is empty. 

I was very surprised hanging out around asia about how they have a HUGE market of used american cars. Basically everybody drives them. I have got to wonder if part of the scarcity is that they are being exported to markets where the latest and newest ding is not really mandatory.

I know it is all cool and dandy to hate on spoilers but the front spoiler on that lambo is spoiler alert!: amazing.

when I naturalized I was asked to renounce my previous citizenships... although I don’t think they do that anymore. That said my home country does not recognize the renouncement so no matter what I say and do my home country will always consider me a citizen of it.

like if I were to visit... I’d have to get a passport

This a thousand times this... I love this car so much I’d sell my dog to get it... ... hence negating the main need I have for a wagon... but I digress.

so... just like the mustang then.

I think that you are forgetting the school has 20 other classrooms and some of those require all their students to eat goat milk already...

short term vs long term thinking.

But the thing is that california isn’t telling anyone who doesn’t want to follow their standards...

am I the only one that thinks it looks just like a subaru brz with a neat mod.

But american companies do not have to do business with china... so when they do the equation... giving up the IP is a risk worth taking to get into that market...

just lake making chinese cars be safe etc... is a risk they have to take to get into the US market.

the issue with tariffs is why we need a real politician

My Pup:

The way I see it —and mind you it’ll be a while before I replace my v6 with an electric engine, is that sure, electricity might come from coal right now and blacken our skies... but it sure is easier to control and regulate the pollution generated by 10,000 power plants than that generated by 10,000,000 cars.

so the problem with the jeeps is that they aren’t too common in south america so fixing them could be.... problematic...

It is not divided by 3, it is divided by 3 plus whatever big the crew is. They do not travel alone.