
I really hope you're trolling. Theives have no idea what they're stealing, they are just horrible people. And the guy was on his way to pick up the priest who was going to conduct the final services, so he likely needed to have the ashes with him. Seriously, this is NOT the victim's fault, don't make it out to be that

As a mid-westerner myself, that accent is over the top. Most of us speak without the Canadian emphasis on certain vowel sounds.


Yes, because of it's clearly every person in uniform's goal to do such things. Idiot.

Go blow a goat, bitch

Which is why it was ignorant to wear a dress uniform coat that doesn't properly reflect your service. I'm not going to engage in this conversation with a civilian, because you are out of your league on this one.

No, this is an actual good thing to be upset about.

fuck you, serve your 20 years and then come back about the outrage. It's bad enough we fetishize the military in this country as it is, but that doesn't mean this jackalope can call himself and represent himself as a retired Marine. It's a fucking insult to the thousands who have earned it.

Yeah it's not really manufactured. Believe it or not, veterans are protective of the uniform they once wore.

troll much???

If it was against the people who did this, and people like them, fuck YES! Gangbanging 'biker clubs' are scum that deserve to be turned into asphalt hamburger.

It's unbelievable that these thugs asked "what is wrong with you" when they aren't stopping to ask what's wrong with themselves?

You're one of them huh, shame on you and your filthy mob.

I'm not saying there aren't problems elsewhere in the country, but I don't think anyone can deny things are worse in the inner city. This problem has nothing to do with race and everything to do with education and upbringing.

This whole incident speaks to some fundamental problems with American culture, especially in the inner city. And it's something a lot of people who live in suburbs, rural areas or even other countries just don't get.