
So at the very least he lived transparently. I don't think the lesson from Warrior's life is "hide your problems behind a nice shade". People are already doing that and it's not working. Evidence: ridiculous levels of depression and anxiety across the US.

Nobody is the worst thing they ever said or felt. Obviously the guy had a lot of issues, but he also inspired a ton of people, especially kids, through his character.

Really well said. Kudos.

No actual talent? You try doing the things they do. You know how much respect an actor gets when they do their own stunts? These guys do that on a weekly or sometimes even nightly basis, live in front of an audience of thousands or millions, and with a road traveling schedule.

I hope the ropes of heavens ring can handle what's coming.

Considering how popular articles about the New York Jets tend to be, I'd say quite a few people love a good joke.

"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

Oh you!

Drink real beer or don't drink beer.

So that makes a lot of sense. I do not know the guy and I doubt you do either. But you have hatred for him and you think he does not deserve a job because of his views. How does that make you any different from him? Because your views are always right? He could have plenty of skill to get the job- if not then

This nasty, uncouth motherfucker does.

I always liked Whitney Houston's version.


When do we call Brady a choker? I mean, that's what people would have said of Manning. Brady can no longer win the big game. What a choker.

Manning and Broncos were Men playing against boys.

At least you aren't being over-dramatic.

Tom Brady looked tired and old today. Two, three seasons left in him at most. And I thought Blount was supposed to be OJ Simpson reincarnate, what was the deal there? Enjoy your winter, Over-Ratetriot fans, enough out of you.

Don't care. GO BRONCOS!!!