
Nope. KC's players' bones are made of glass;)

Eat it, haters! A win is a win!

Aren't we still paying a tax on the now-demolished *Hoosier Dome? Or is that the same tax for Lucas Oil?
*I always have and always will refuse to call it the RCA Dome.

I hear what you're saying, but I still expected more.
Maybe something about how to actually get payloads up more efficiently, or a new configuration for propulsion for long range flight. Even a new way of stacking these things on extraterrestrial flights.
Why not put everything we need in orbit to create what we need in

The whole time I was reading that, all I could think was,"Hmm... sounds a lot like the technology they used on the Apollo missions... Maybe he'll come up with a new concept before the end... Nope. Different vehicles, same concept."
Is this what they mean when they say,"If it happened before 1970, Kinja writers don't

Easy fix. Put the whole concoction between two pieces of buttered toast and eat it like a sammich.;)

Terroristic scum-bags are a bane to every breed of human on the planet.
I see absolutely NO discernible difference between klansmen, gangsters, or jihadists. They all lack honor/integrity, and therefore should be purged from society.
"Race/breed" has not one thing to do with it. Not if you don't let it.
My $0.02.

From the attached article about the ONE guy on the street that stopped the beating:
"Consuegra told ABC News that the rider told her "you're going to get it, too," as he yanked on her arms. That's when everyone on the street started shouting "not the lady!" until the biker finally relented."

"Nope the cops were just as guilty."
Yup. That whole "if you lay down with dogs you get fleas" thing.

Agreed. There are PLENTY less than lethal weapons out there.
And if you don't want to spend that kind of money, fire hoses work well and most (all?) buildings in a city that big have them.