
Read other comments about Askren’s racist trolling of Masvidal. When I first saw it without context, I thought the same as you, then I read what Askren was shit talking before the match and basically, he had it coming. There’s selling a match with trash talking and there’s crossing a line, and he crossed it. And then

MMA is typically a bit too violent for me to enjoy, but after hearing Askren’s comments about Masvidal’s ethnicity, family, children, etc., pre-fight, it didn’t break my heart to watch his unconscious skull get bashed a few times.

I’ve been fine with the goofs so far but I would caution the team that in the event of a goal against the Netherlands they should be careful with any finger in the dike celebrations

a purple-haired lesbian surrounded by her teammates with giant “DARE TO SHINE” signs around her is like, an incredible image as we reach the end of Pride Month, it makes my gay little heart so fucking happy.

Alex “Doughboy” Van Pelt took “serviceable and cheap” and made an 11-year NFL career as a backup QB and an ongoing (currently 13-year) NFL career as a quarterbacks coach, and likely has way fewer physical/mental problems as a result of riding the bench or standing on the sideline for the vast majority of that. He’s

oldish white man here, and i say fuck old white men. not literally, unless that’s your thing, but fuck them, they shouldn’t be the ones making decisions that affect everyone else’s lives. Old White Men like Trump and his right-wing policy groupies are ruining the country and OWM from both parties have been doing it fo

My first thought, which utterly chilled me, was that he was talking about deploying troops here, possibly after refusing to accept election results or to promote his vicious “Kingdom of Heaven” here. No real reason, but that’s the first thing that leaped into my head when I read that. 

“Some if you will die on the battlefield of another unnecessary foreign war!” Encouraging speech, Mike.

I *desperately* want to see Nathan Lane play Lindsey Graham.

Only if it’s a woman. They don’t care if it’s a white man doing it.

Most of the people I buy my drugs from are not going to ever be involved in crypto. And I’m an old school guy so I am not going to use the onions. I like my drugs right when I want them and handed to me when I hand over the cash the way Jesus intended it to be. 


I cant believe more black people arent moving there. Less than an hour drive from Atlanta, but with (I assume) lower taxes and cost of living?! Black people, gentrify Hoschton!

It’s like as Texas shifts further and further left, the remaining Republicans in power get even more deranged and desperate.

I think equating an accident on one hand with hate driven arson are two different things and that the OP’s attempt to minimize the latter in an attempt to rebut people’s annoyance at the outpouring for the former needs to be pointed out.

Exactly. Boycott those restaurants, then doxx the shit out of the Deplorables. Doxx them back to the fucking stone age where they belong.

You: “Well that’s fucking ruined.”

Me, a bigly stable genius: “As the chef, I can tell you that a big portion of the cake is less ruined than it has ever been before.”

My favorite pic of my favorite President

there are countries that don’t turn right on red, and then there are countries that have been on the moon

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.