
No one can ‘make you’ feel like a Philistine. Only you can do that to yourself. If you are that insecure about your hoglike pace at the table, try being a grownup who can moderate his pace instead of giant man-baby bully that gets off on power tripping with someone else’s livelihood.

Except you are wrong, and have clearly never been a server. I have been in the business for 30 years on-and-off, and I have been bitched out for pre-clearing plates, not pre-clearing plates, being too attentive, not being attentive enough, and every other set of arbitrary, mutually contradictory ‘rules’ you can think

I loved the writing in this.

Which meatus were you referencing, Jayjay? There are several.

So I went to DL this, to play on my iPod Touch 5. There is a warning about how it only plays on iPad 2, iPhone 5, etc but no mention of Touch. Does anyone know if it will run on mine?

Does any team hate the Blackhawks like Vancouver?

Does any team hate the Blackhawks like Vancouver?

Wow. I am officially Old. If you play this game, you are a deeply disturbed entity.;

There was definitely a promise of retaliation afterwards, if I can judge teenage girls’ body language.

Whoa, dude. That is SO TRIPPY.

Now casting for the Babe Ruth biopic.

This is going to mean the end of all those Rob Ford meme photos still haunting the internet.

“TheTruth”, or in Russian: “Pravda”.

OK, honey, let me explain something to you, you little featherhead.....

I wonder if women without dangerously low levels of body fat have clitores?

[heavy sigh]

Yeah, no, cuz there is no more racism in America since Obama.

SMH. 415 times.

Watch the clip; they are standing on quite sandy ground at the start, at least.

This is depressingly likely to be the answer. :(