I am in agreement that the stigma surrounding herpes far surpasses its actual impact, but if this is how Dr. Shah counsels her patients I hope I never have sex with any of them or for that matter, anyone who has hooked up with them.
I am in agreement that the stigma surrounding herpes far surpasses its actual impact, but if this is how Dr. Shah counsels her patients I hope I never have sex with any of them or for that matter, anyone who has hooked up with them.
If you’re an 18 year old who was kicked out of home for your sexuality, but haven’t been able to fully emancipate yourself from your well-off parents? Sorry kiddo, no meaningful financial aid for you until you turn 24.
Gather closely young ones and listen to your big sis about the herp.
Yeah, something like this. I know the resignation should be a good thing, and it is, but it just feels like he got off just as easy to me.
It’s almost as if privileged pricks who always get what they want aren’t great at respecting boundaries or consent.
Troiano was already retired and collecting his judicial pension before he was recalled to fill in for vacancies. This is why he was so quick to retire again.
It’s true, I’ve been in the court system & have had FEMALE judges just be down right flippant & dismissive to me. One said “well this isn’t really fair is it? We’re having a hearing and he’s not even here to defend himself” it was a PFA case, he had beaten me for the last time & after 18 yrs of it my daughter gave me…
Here - here’s an essay where a MacArthur Genius Grantee who’s also a WOC confronts white men about their privilege and then writes about the result
Oh, gosh ... the short answer is “lots of reasons”. One of the indicted co-conspirators of the Varsity Blues scandal was a name partner in, I think, Willkie Farr Gallagher (he was the one who paid $75K to rig his daughter’s tests to get into Cornell). Very prestigious “white shoe” firm.
THIS. There’s no way this is the first time they’ve done shit like this, it’s just the first time they’ve been held accountable. When a judge is removed every. single. case. should be reviewed!
Sometimes also the control. This is still an inherently sexist country - and law is a tool; it can be an instrument of justice or of oppression — and look how many lives they got to ruin.
It makes me wonder why they got involved with law to begin with... the money I guess.
Wow, this article about crappy judges facing repercussions (three-fifths of the ones mentioned, anyway) actually left me feeling hopeful about the changing tide in the world! I forgot what that feeling was like.
These scum bag judges need to have all of their cases reviewed and their pensions delayed. Statements like those leave no question that their qualifications bare scrutiny.
I want to know where in Iowa you can go to get Tupac cookies
Keep ya head up, Jerry.
This man’s honorary West Coast card will read “4 LIFE,” and have no expiration date.
Iowan here, and I hope Foxhoven runs for state office now. He’s got my vote based solely on street cred. Also, I heard at lunch a clip of our “governor” (only promoted because the ass that was elected got shipped off to China as ambassador) saying she never heard of Tupac until these emails came out. How?! Did you…