That is not her skin I watched her Netflux spcial and shes botoxed to within an inch of her life. Her cheeks are dramatically closer to the sun.
That is not her skin I watched her Netflux spcial and shes botoxed to within an inch of her life. Her cheeks are dramatically closer to the sun.
His eyes are tryimg so hard to get away from his brain because they dont want to see his creepy thoughts. He has to squint to try to keep them from going red holding their breath hoping they will just faint, fall out and roll away from his personality and the caustic hairdye. This dude is like if pugdogs turned into…
If they hate your blood they hate your inside.
Shes literally doin homage for feminine.
First off, don T jr does not have black hair. His is sorta old graphite medium brown. Also his mom is not a blond shes a bleached blond as is his sister Ickvanka. His dad also has FAKE hair with added artificial colors and was a real ashy washed out mousy brown or dark blond when young. Why Cheetolini chose to portray…
There is plenty of coal ,noone wants ours.
Thank you!!!!
I can’t do cups because nuvaring gave me a stroke.
Well FUCK can someone help us figure out if we have them by posting an image of the actual tampon. I get rid of the box alot of times because i combine pads and tampons in a kit with what i use for a few months and fits in my bathroom drawer. I could very likely have some from 2016 or 2017 because i have tried so many…
Is it constant need for petty revenge though or is it just passion and consistency.
Noone ever engaged or answered my deeply pled case for discussion on bear with cheeto container stuck on its head for a month so I’m only gonna offer this bit up. In 40 yrs eels and seals have recovered from endangerment. You find weird stuff and this is just a thing. There werent enough eels seal interaction before.
I luv u.
Everyone should always close the lid all the time because it’s a lid, what do you think it is for. I live with men.
Because all this makes us want to barf even hashing pessimism from old white Bruce.
I hope she said well no I cant marry you until you get the ring and now hes literally the only man who the cops saved his marriage.
But also come up with a dosage and reliability plan between you, your dr, your immediate caretaker and your pharmacist BEFORE you even start with the drugs. Your dr and pharmacist MUST talk. And talk openly with your pharmacist, have a plan and acknowledge you are proactively preparing to prevent dependence.
I hand make crafty and humorous signs telling people to fuck off and keep them in my personal place in case of emergency. Sometimes I tape them up when I know not many people will see them but a few key observers will and see what I get from the gossip mill.
That is not true.
Seriously most the staff at a mcdonalds would be better cops than the complete asshole moron cops I've met.