
Um would you please offer more photos of chonky monster and at consistent regular intervals. Thanks. I love him.

I was raped made pregnant and had an abortion. Married and had a baby boy two years later. I loved my boy he was fun and I never feared him becoming awful, but I am still dealing with the idea of someone I created being a man and my ptsd. I’m sorry for the destruction the world can’t seem to escape. I have not told my

Zuri didnt want Nyack trying sex stuff with cubs. Evolution, incest prevention and mama protection. 

It will be most excellant and double the fun, duh. 

Both of them should just apologize to the dancers, we all need to make money. 

I was pulled over and harassed for 30 minutes by one male PO who asked if I had anything good. He said i was too close to traffic when I pulled out of the supermarket parking lot. I was not. I had to ask why he pulled me over because there was no apparent reason. He insisted I was homeless, I was not, refused to

My ex husband forced me to stay inside our one bedroom home for ten days after birth and refused to let me use a bathtub. We only had a shower. I tore. I peed my pants for about 18 months. That’s abuse. You will need to soak your bits and pieces and your nether region is gonna need a wide shallow BATHTUB, so if you

Peak manning out  

Check yourself. 

A four year old complete stranger kid tried to pull my shirt up to get my boobs while i was camping and making a fire. He stood on the log seat i said hello and he went for it. I dont think his mom was even bfing him i think he just saw boobs and went for it. I saw it happen to my friend from her own 4 yr old two

Sorry your arms gonna get buff. Not sorry. Use the leash sparingly. 

I got shit on /shamed two years ago when I questioned on Jez comments why my son wasnt recommended the vaccine by all the rabid assholes who called me a manhater and terrible mom and IDONOTCARE cause girls and womens health is important and kids need psrents willing and educatex to discuss sexual health so I’m saying

So your face is supposed to be the clit. I love it would die of embarrasment wearing it but not before relishing everyone else dying of embarassment.

Withholding period suplies happens not just as retaliation but guards love to harass and embarrass to indignify women. Its like an alternate universe where a bunch of bicthy men amd women get to shit on their mom figure and watch her die inside.

Paula has done alot of sobriety work on herself and read her latest book if you want to harp on her mothering. She discusses her OCD openly and has for decades. She’s also nice to her kids in all her sets and accurate in disciplining. I’ve seen her live many times and conversed with her privately and she is geniunely

Maybe Khloe is a whole sanitized honesty machine. She did say “never went under the knife” ok so its lasers and technically not a knife in general but a scalpo of a brand and she was upright or the knife was at an angle that she was not mathmatically under it like 180°. Clearly she just has lots of stuff plumping up

Meet online dating site figure out our kids, his 2 boys my one boy share soccer club. His house is across the small street from his work at IRS my work at school district half mile down same road so we plan a lunch date at bistro between and plan on walking there. Get text from him that his coworker is sick so he has

I’m living like I’ve got two years left. By nature of being a scaredy cat and a physically cautious person, I’m not doing anything daring, so this is fine. I call it “I’m not living for today, or living for tommorow, Im living for the midnight snack."


Wow so youd rather just see the glossy glamourosnessy of Men of Minds so Impressive than the messy arduous reality of womens experiences. Because ot was supressed so you can be blissfully ignorant?