
I love your statement but please do not call her “ that poor woman”. As a survivor owning your victim status is healthy but being called names by others that point out their view on your status is retchingly terrifying and painful. She is a brave woman who deserves our support and respect and has worked hard through

I love your statement but please do not call her “poor girl”. As a survivor owning your victim status is healthy but being called names by others that point out their view on your status is retchingly terrifying and painful. She is a brave woman who deserves our support and respect and has worked hard through some

What in the living hellllll. Now the Salvation Army is a trauma flashback and sexual ptsd for this lovely women who is brave and I admire. The Salvation army should post support for this woman and prevent her grandmother and dad from ever receiving any support ever.

Id like to call the local watch group. 

Please publish the letter or out the security team. This needs to be heard. 

Noted. Shitty (rapist) Men in DJing list.

Someone please print that out so you can crosstitch it. “Fuck your shitty punning ability as well, Julia.”

LOL, i love Amy Adms but i love your irrational

I think photo was 2005 not 1995. 

Whats the marker for?

So can we call it a boober? A boobaru, Like a subaru, sporty yet sturdy. Canfan bag for crossbody underboob wear or resting on fanny. A beltbag is so ...verizon 2003.

All i found was andrew granniks linkedin account, he has like 63 connections and they are mostly AK law people. I have a significant linkedin but its my entire work reputation. What do we do? 

Im calling them, I’m finding them and im calling them. Complain ladies and do it high pitched and repeatedly, they hate it. Ask for any womans name if they dont put you through then tell that woman you went to school with her and you have something to say about that awful judge and da. 

You jerks. Dont defile the fungus. Gross. I bet he said he wanted to “marinate his mushroom” i hate trump and now i hate his penis which i never had to distinkly clarify before.

Ptobably that EM&m is that kids dad and he wears makeup badly?

He is HR, he produced it. Its Bradleys job. 

We were not throwing rocks at fruit. Errk. Women were hunting and feeding others their kill, thats why we are the better heat dealing with, more patient spear throwing with more precise digit control and release from less palm sweat, long distance runners. Its also why we require more iron, cuz babies hence superior

We both like soup!!! My forkin fave. 

Wanting to Roll on the Floor LOL’ing but in library.

OMG you screaming at us for not caring enough about men