
Please let me know if he stays away or comes back. I found a feral cat with vicious claws wanting to live in my car engine this year. I sprayed ammonia mixed with water then read that some cats like to spray over ammonia and it sort of attracts them. Ugggh. I would love to know if Apple cider vinegar works. When I

Also if you see Mr Bob Cat would you share photo please? I’d love to see what the ones that have no boundaries look like. Is he disabled? The disabled mountain lion at Cat Tales has slower short legs and wants to be a pet. Someone found him on side of road thought he was dead house cat. Out her only time I see cats is

I really like whitney. Hell I like all jezebel ladies and men.

They are afraid their assessment will be shown. Remember Glenn Beck and all the rights “don’t drag us into a war and kill or soldiers men (husbands sons dad’s) when Obama wanted to stop the chemical war in Syria. I believe Alex Jones and Glenn Beck should be apologizing right now. And it’s like ok so you people on the

Yikes! Maybe he would like a more contained home? There is a really great cat sanctuary by spokane called Cat Tales and they have a bobcat that someone tried to make a pet. Sounds like your visitor needs some structure or a really really far away rehome. Hope he isn’t sick and I’ve wondered about wild cats and kids.

I had an annoying young neighbor that kept doing that, his guests would take my spot and one night I came back about midnight from a flight with my 6 year old passed out and they were in my spot and literally no open visitors spots I was so mad I had to carry my son up stairs as well so I had to park close, so I

Friendly curious question, how come bobcat cant live under deck? Is she dragging in stinky kills?

It is not just you or that experience alone, I was never given opportunity for many jobs for the same reason, I once had target warehouse refuse me when I asked if they weren’t hiring me because there was a lift 40 lb (which i assured them i could do) requirement they said well it’s also a night shift and just guys

I didnt plan one either and suprise my coworkers friends made me a nice luncheon one and brought all my friends made a huge ass beautiful buttercream cake and gave me $300. Win I did. And They Took Pictures And THEIR Kids attendented in pretty little floral dresses and handed me food and presents. Fantastic.

I also like a little worscestershire. Just a dash.

ADD a little mustard for authentic utah style then maybe some bbq or sriracha to get fancy. I once did lime juice with ketchup and mixed all and it was special. I also think it needs white pepper just a bit but if you deep fried with black pEpperson already on. So good. Utah has been known to Lowrys the fries too. And

Firest of all, I love Jessamina she and I have a testy relash. It’s an homage to her but don’t we all prefer wolves to people. The feminism is in what happens when women die, things go to shit and noone cares for a child but sells him. Sad but true women care for their families that’s where our money goes in ratio

Imeant to type best article but nest is fine.

I’ve met several wild wolves while hiking they are very polite.

This is the nest article encapsulating all jezebel goals in a very long time. Feminism, mom dies kid sold lives with wild animals, check. Wears cologne, cosmetics, check. Talks about how the other side just don’t give reciprocal love, gossip, check. Wants to live with pets as family forever, jessamina, check.

You said you are proud of Mormons but you lie and pretend Mormons didn’t commit genocide and they refuse to answer to it.

Shut up with your nonsense Mormons were persecuted minorities. Tell that to the indigineuous Utahns. Go read your book then read the hopi “book” what’s left of it on the desert walls.

I would scrap those dudes by putting a CEM and LEED behind your name then do a solar project and go scorched earth on dudebros. Let them revit a system without info on the solar and the electric specs and when the model comes back it will look super f’d up. Blame them, blame them hard. Champion yourself.

They were never a persecuted minority they were a mob of men promising young women a better place like Eden and kidnapping them leaving town in the night marrying dozens of young women each. Young had 33 wives. That’s not religion that’s a cult.

Good lord do you really think you can hoodwink everyone into believing the murdering was over two hundred years ago and stopped? Go to Grand Gulch, go to Salina. Quote your book on here where it talks about redfacing.