I like you schumer but holy moly you’re bordering on squidwert face.
I like you schumer but holy moly you’re bordering on squidwert face.
Every school that spends $25,000 on one set of locking bullet proof doors better have an answer to why they aren’t working harder to prevent gun violence and children’s access to guns instead of spending money on a non fix. And shame on the school district services that sell these doors and don’t recommend state…
My sons middle school in Eugene, Oregon sent a long winded letter about how students walking out wouldn’t be safe and that the only safe place was inside the school and they would get unexcused absence mark and possibly suspension. They were really emphasizing how unsafe it was to walk out. My son walks to and from…
Someone older woman neighbr commented about an agressive tantrum by my 8 yr old boy “the hormones” and I thought no way it’s too early. I’ve learned boys though they grow slower than girls are for sure tortured by their hormones beginning around 8 yrs old. It’s weird.
Why do you have to be mean catty to John athan? He identified what’s wrong with men’s gross black showers and put it in words “It’s like a skin tag, it’s not hurting anything but it has to go”. Also my facial hair is in permanant stubble. I like Johnathan be nice.
Umm don’t talk about Jonathan that why he knows when it’s important to wear tights!
I am bringing up the labs staff and the services staff. They do not just have “shit happens” with equipment like that. It’s why they pay for uninterruptable power schedules at a higher KW or account base. It’s why they have O&M contracts and redundant ie backup systems. This is not an oopsie or non consequential thaw.…
I’ve been ungreyed for years on Jezebel and root, not worried about your put down but you are a misogynist and some people can’t quite call that out if they don’t know how to identify the sort of trolling you do.
I agree with your kindness, unfortunately this is a human error. Even IT for the freezers are monitored by people and those people are hired based on their knowledge. Somebody rather I think the whole industry is forking up big time not hiring qualified BOC facilities people and not securing their alarms against…
Yeessss, I came for the dog fart discussion and I’m not leaving until someone tells me how their animal handles their farts cause if there is one consistent place I frt it is in bed.
Trump is afraid of latinos, First Nations and their organizing power.
Wow, can’t believe you just said that last sentence while victim blaming. I’d not respond but you are already ungreyed.
There is so much ass in that title photo. Ass face, asscrack hairdo, upper ass hugged by belt. Pasty rabid ass.
I read or heard on radio that Bruno Mars was Hawaiian years ago. Didn’t he also take a stage name because music execs tried to emphasize his Latino last name and he was like “no”. Can he just sing whatever he wants and we can all be decent and credit black excellence in music (like Mr Mars did) but realize anyone…
Is Janelle Monae not black? I would guess she is part black part white but idk.
Maybe she’s japanese. Do we even know?
I think the title would be better emphasizing the four things princess is learning not that the prince is teaching her the one thing many woman already do but guys imagine women can’t do.
But is there language on “butt mouth” as an exception to inclusion so an exclusion of butt-mouths?
But Deray wore this vest errday errday errday and never once washed it (launderers washed it twice) over many years-like 4. I’m sure Patagonia did the most with the washing and that Deray is fastidious at not dropping weaird spills on his feathered finery. Boobs on the other hand ruin tops. They a damn shelf for…
I too wash flummoxed about what to do with feathers I sweat in. Then I washed my feather pillow and it was fluffy as ever and I have commenced washing down clothing also atleast once every 15 washings. I have goose down pants that are like marshmallow legs and butt made of cloud. I bought them vintage thrift I think…