
OMG if my son were attending that school and I didn’t see the mural until the first time I was in the gym-that could have been weeks if not months into the school year I would have sat down and shat right there on the court floor. I cannot fathom that perhaps hundreds of parents thought this was OK. I hope the school

You need to reprioritize the list. Hanging Chad levels of unfinished business anxiety levels are what you are giving. I don’t want that. Take it back! And watch the freaking whole movie already.

A judge should know better. A judges job is to decide above the prosecuter, not let the prosecuter decide what punishment and what crime.

Yeah, Francis was too shook by her daughters death to even be nice to the one decent man in the movie-I think Peter dinklage. It’s also worth noting that for those who haven’t seen it it is specifically about a mother’s love. The betrayel of her own daughters father and tenous participation with her son who is

Oh dear I’m concerned about your taxes.

Wow. I’m wheezing.

Ok Rashida but you have to promise to tell the truth it’s 8 to 5. With an unpaid 1 hr lunchbreak. People be lying about 9.

Maybe her cloning money helps support a lab that does other health research? I’m trying to find a silver lining.

Listen I just wanted to know more about her affair with the hair instrument. I’m never disappointed just unsatisfied. Please remit the info.

You have to pass many years of paid higher learning to be an electrician.

Her last names H0, I can’t believe I forgot her names Ho-iush.

Well I think it’s time we let Disney know that we want him out and more women. Like maybe just all the dead missing mothers from Disney all together talking about how the justice /healthcare system failed them. Like bambis mother wasn’t supposed to be shot thought right or did she die in a fire caused by a bunch of

Is it because Seacrest is a young Burns?

When I see Seacrest, I see Mr Burns. Even Julia dances a lot wouldn’t stay with him.

Here it goes with motion sickness advice. Don’t eat sugar or anything sweet before or during days at sea. Snack on salty chips. Like plain salted lays or tortilla. I swear this has been my all time best solution. Also don’t wear a tight bra or anything hugging your torso. My parents did that cruise last august. I am

People should not be keeping deer as pets. Ever. Want to get kicked in the head by a deer and die? Then approach a wild deer. My friend in high school tried to let one free stuck in the fence. He died. If you want people to stop encouraging “factory” farming then stop drinking milk. The eating of red meat including

I know you did not name an MVP, but can’t we atleast give Meghan Reynolds a plaque if not a trophy, maybe like a nail polish tower from sephora? The calmness in delivery of a fellow absent teammembers words for video makes her a special thlete. I’m stanning, I know it’s not a good look. But her happy slyness gets me

Man I wish I had been there just to rip a big old fart and then say “oh did I just release noxious gas into our controlled climate, don’t worry just breathe and give it twenty 5 and the cfm of our outside controlling system with balance this room unlike our systems enclosed ozone layer cannot.

I would guess, Racism, Mysogyny and TX. The same reason his nephew (my ex), ex sister in law and her husband got away with assaulting me and kidnapping my son but substitute racism with ‘otherism” or a white TX superiority complex.

I also like to think you just completly undid Daniel Days of Lewis