
You need to stop lawsplaining people’s experiences to discount them. Babe brought a story out you seem so interested in litigating and you’re calling it irresponsible.  Grace said she was feeling violated and she was. Because she said so. She’s not asking for the police to arrest aziz. Stop acting like she is. Stop

Again I’m not giving trolls space but nothanksnothanksnothanks

Good lord, I just saw her face with a happy 54th and thought damn she looks good. But that body, those thighs? 54? How? I wanna know cause I’m gonna do what she does. I wanna be her at 60 at this point. Be better indeed.

Someone commented a reply to me and I’m not giving them the open door so I’m just going to say here, you thank the courts for always having been here to in your own words thankfully preventing enoforcement of sexual assault. So have you ever seen a rape judiciously punished. I never have. I’ve never seen the thirteen

I can’t even believe all you trolls explaining away this as “not assault”. You’re basically saying you’d do the same as aziz did and be proud of yourself. Gross, dangerous and deluded ego. And your defending anal rape. Wow. So chase around some 23 yr old who is partly clothed in your apartment after they said slow

I’m not allowing it at all by living here. Being forced to move because of harassment puts one in an emergency situation and shouldn’t happen to women continuously. If you think I’m allowing their hideous behaivor I guess when I move out if they rent to someone else I’m allowing them to harrass her too and she’s also

What if one woman calls another woman a cunt because she commented on an article about women being called cunts online and that she wouldn’t bother with dudes calling women cunts so the other woman passively aggressively in the most way called her a cunt by another name so she just replied cunt to see if self

Well you are not wrong for the first time today the dad got in my face and told me I can leave if I’m not happy. Then I said he was bring disrepectful and he said he thinks I just don’t like men. The last fucking straw! I have vintage clothes, I have time to listen to call your girlfriend and two dope queens on

Well I have bear spray. I keep a bat under my bed, a look alike sound alike heavy airsoft gun in my closet and a golf club by the front door as a kind of bark versus bite. I put a 6 point antler in my window so it cant be opened from outside and the aesthetic. I do have a small pellet rifle but it is probably less

That’s a good idea but I cannot move right now and they own the property and it is 5 acres on a private road in the county with a handful of neighbors each on their own 5 acres. It’s not like there is company, maybe a homeowners association? But that I have a feeling wouldn’t go anywhere. Who knows maybe someone else

Well I have and when I came into the comments asking for advice literally 38 people agreed that I should run away and hide where their are no creepy guys. Where that?

You are the asshole that insinuated I’m not paying rent and am going to get shot in the face and that women all need to huddle together in the city for safety and now your wishing I get run over by a car. Wow, misogyny much. And your lashing out at me bease I’m not grateful to you for bashing women’s independance.

Quit trying to intimidate me, I’m not “going back to where I came from” women can and should live independently and wherever they want.

IMO women can successfully live way out in nowhere and there are always creepy dudes everywhere. Having to treat women differently amd cloister us because of men is not ok.

I’m not allowing it at all. I’m doing nothing wrong and I’m asserting my lease the best I can. I’ve sought advice and I’m taking steps including appending my lease with mention of the son, changing the locks and taking the cost out of my rent, being clear with the parents and son that my garage door will be locked

What. Say it again. Misogyny gave you trump. The people voted at twice the rate for Gary “what’s aleppo” johnson over jill PhD stein. Misogyny. Those berniebro stans that went that way and the hundred million who didn’t vote at all and those deplorable gave you trump. Stop trying to divide and shit on us who voted for

The thing is I’m not backing down. I’m not going to live in fear and I even refuse to live in irritation and annoyance. I want to reverse harass them. I’m not moving yet they can feel my wrath. A few months ago I sent a very clear message via text that said “you think because I’m a woman you can physically intimidate

I pull all the perfume sniff samples out of library mags when nobodies around and viktor and rrwolff never have the smell strip. Cmon guys please give me the smell strip. That’s a good name for pussy perfume “smell strip” I call it.

Also pet products, what fresh hell? Cat anus.

You can’t bottle this potion.