
When I was 7 a new boy moved into the house a block down. Small small town. I had my first crush and wanted to see him every day. He would occasionally walk with me to school as most of us walked the mile every day even in snow. The roads were a grid so if i went north one and over right one we’d still meet up if he

I just want to thank Feiden Santana for an enormous act of bravery to stop, record and face police with this. I watched the video and heard of the hassle he got but it wasn’t until today with a verdict that I really empathize with the physical intimidation and probable danger from police he was sacrificing himself

Well you just showed your ass.

I lived right next to it for 20 years. And I know lots of people who live there. You sound like a transplant fish and wildlife wannabe survivalist. I think the bathrooms in Mexican hat are probably where you should go spread gaslighting.

Again not reading your king of the hill trollshit. People want it designated, tribes want it protected people it is sacred to want blowhards like you to stop claiming it. It was delist ed because of your gaslighting attitude to all the white mormon utah a who have never been there and use your excuse that designating

Ruin someone? On social media? It’s also ruining our lives being raped on in our bodies.

If anyone is interested in my case an example of police using a pain scale to refute domestic violence reports please contact me. Reply. Thanks. Let’s get some crooked cops fired. My son was also witness to the assault which automatically qualified it as child abuse in OR. So I don’t know why the cops chose to bully

I’m not even reading that nonsense above. You shame Obama for designating, trumpsplain why it should be delisted then go on a personal rant saying you’ve spent almost three months there. Dude people live there.

He then expected in hubris to be forgotten by the system, he asked for his record to be expunged or erased. The man did a little time in jail and he expects that he should be presented as crimeless to society. Ass. Hole. Over rated egomaniac. Maybe he could work with some woman who are still doing time for defending

When you say desert skills and equipment I don’t think you mean walking and a backpack, ya know wilderness. The monument is huge and for 25 years there have been week long trails inaccessible by vehicle routes that people take with care. Pretending that cutting the monument and talking out your ass like you are the

I can get you the police report and court hearing record if you want to join the other lawyer in drafting something. At the least it could be made significant as case law for what police in other areas should not do in the future. I’ve learned how judges piggyback their rulings on previous rulings in order to avoid

The BLM in Utah is not good land management and if you work for them you have some explaining to do. Lots of people who never recreate in these areas in the way they are meant to-as a preserve argue that hikers ruin it. I don’t know anyone who took something from this area and lots of people who use this as intended.

Have you ever back packed bears ears? It’s a 8 day, 7 day minimum carry water trip. Endangering the fossils and petroglyphs pictographs happens when roads (access for fuel mining companies) open it up. Visors aren’t trampling these sacred attributes at all. The violent taking of artifacts that happened over early

Also yes Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.

I’ll give you the details and what you need to get the court records.

They do have some great stuff like first they killed my father, lots of stand up from women, lady Dyn but I’ve noticed many gross things fly when a corporation sows itself as it is-a boys club. I bought a two year sunscription for my parents years ago and they keep it as a family thing where I do the technical and all

Netflix seems to be highlighting and adding new weinsteins films to their recommended lineup and they had LouisCK up until 2.5 weeks ago. They are a male dominated force much like verizon is a white male dominated coorporation and also the largest single Co tribute to republican polticians from previous years.

The nbc app still has Russell Simmons showcasing how to live 10% happier.

Of course women should learn to defend themselves, including from slut shaming by enimem, victim blaming from Pam Anderson and inner dialogue that questions your own strength after an assault. People will hurt you because victim blamers let them get away with it again and again when you use your voice like rose

Yes, this is what happened. It also then enabled the divorce court lawyers of my ex call any further testimony of domestic violence reports by me seen as “repeat cry wolf”. I’ve called the police department in Eugene several times over the years for copies of the domestic violence hearing and just this summer recieved