At least Serena didn’t throw a tantrum this time. I mean, it would have been the ref’s fault and all, but still...
At least Serena didn’t throw a tantrum this time. I mean, it would have been the ref’s fault and all, but still...
And yet once again Serena shows how no class she is.
I haven’t been this proud to be Canadian since the 2016 US presidential election.
Why is it so wrong to mention that Serena did in fact act like a dickhead during that match?
Hey, remember when his shoulder sounded like it turned to brisket and he was probably on the tail end of his career?
Good article until you felt the need to interject an entire paragraph dedicated to absolving Williams of her horseshit behavior, which had absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Subtle, but, “Don’t worry, little girl. I’ll make you feel better after having made you feel as if you didn’t deserve to win.”
Eh, Serena’s prior unsportsmanship made the post-match behavior appear a bit condescending.
Serena an all time great athlete regardless of sport or gender. But her behavior last year was gross, especially for the sport of tennis where a certain level of decorum is expected. Calling her out for her behavior last year is not racist but acting as though that’s how she always behaves because she had a bad day…
My thoughts exactly ... if it is a “false binary” that implies that (a) Serena did nothing wrong and (b) Osaka somehow did. Absolutely compare and contrast Serena and Osaka. Osaka was the classy one in their exchange ... both Osaka and Gauff were in theirs. Osaka is the common denominator ... Serena the glaring and…
As is customary in this administration they went and fired this girl because she said something true. Trump responded to the comments by saying he loved Tiffany. That’s very different from “Those comments weren’t true”.
Sorry he’s embarassed by HER? She has cause to feel embarassed by him if anything, if I was her i’d be like “Dad, i may have screwed up my life, but you’ve screwed up a whole COUNTRY, so like, F you too. p.s. keep me in the will though.”
I’m tempted to feel bad for Tiffany Trump. Can you imagine your father looking like Donald Trump and telling you you’re fat? He thinks his tall, thin daughter is ‘overweight’? She’s clearly a very pretty girl (though I think she needs a change in hairdresser cos her long centre part doesn’t work for her face) and it’s…
Her father, on the other hand, looks like a microwaved orange Peep and seems to dress himself in the dark.
That summary of naturopathic medicine barely scratches the surface.
To her credit, she clearly hasn’t completely reformed her entire head, unlike her dad’s daughter-wife.
There are some things to be found unfortunate in the youngest Trump daughter’s appearance, but those have to do with looking like her father and questionable makeup advice; and she can only be faulted for one of those.
I just read that Trump fired that assistant because she shared with reporters that he thought Tiffany had gained too much weight and he didn’t want to be photographed with her. Again, HE thought SHE had gained too much weight. Unfortunately I find this entirely believable.
The US is going to need a massive collective enema once Trump is done. Or maybe getting him out would be the enema? Ha - he’s the “enema of the people”!!
One thing Tiffany needs to keep in mind whenever Trump reaches out is the fact that he didn’t want her and went after Marla repeatedly to have an abortion. That, along with well...everything else should serve as a reminder that whatever offers he extends are not worth it, period.