
I don’t know where you find students who ever heard of Swift, bc the ones I ask don’t know who Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot were, let alone what they did and why they did it.

You have not kept up that Fox News put Paul Ryan on its Board, not to mention forcing Donna Brazile, Shep Smith and other antiTrumpers on viewers. Those on the Right are fed up and leaving in droves.

You are wrong, Leftist Hate always blinds them to just plain people. The article has gone viral, and I suspect it will be on Tucker as an explanation as to how TDS and Fearmongering Derangement has metastisized into EatBabies in order to stop Climate Change., as well as a Jonathan Swift lesson.

Fuck Law is an Antifa motto, along with “ungovernable.” It was placed on a bust of Lincoln that was vandalized in Chicago.

Schooled in what? IslamoMarxism which wants a totalitarian global government, no borders? I thought MLK was a Great American; or is it the moniker American you don’t like and would prefer Global Citizen?

As with all Fed agencies, TSA is riddled with IslamoMarxists planted by Obama. That is why they take every chance to ridicule America, Americans and especially anything to do with Christianity.