Ann Inquirer ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ

I thought she was way too thin throughout much of the show. It was unflattering and sad to see her pay that unhealthy price for stardom. (Yes, I realize she did get pregnant during a season.) Yet, she was the perfect Mean Girl.

Southern towns are diverse and inclusive, most always have been. It's a secret the media has kept from the rest of the nation so they can keep feeding the stereotype and keep the brainwash going.

Yes, the utopia of Bluebell. It will be missed. I always looked forward to the well dressed, fun people of the town, they're the closest thing to a true screwball comedy from the '30s. But now there is Jane the Virgin which is also quirky and happy, even with a murder. So perhaps CW has found a niche.
And though