I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.
I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.
We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
You have a formerly low-key, increasingly high-key racist dingleberry a’hangin’.
Lol, so basically you are feeling kind of indignant about that one small sentence?
Kim’s show barely gets a third of the viewers that RHOA gets. I’m sick of her and her strange, creepy husband. I mean, is Kroy an Uber driver on the side? All he seems to do is chauffeur her around and comb her wigs.
Since Hachi can not be here to say it, I’ll say it for her: Just throw the whole bitch away.
“I am passionately against discrimination of any kind, but I will vote for it if it means I get a tax break.” Shania Twain would really like my dad!
I bet you complain when people use “begging the question” in the way that it’s used 99.9% of the time because “that’s not the correct usage”.
Oh shut the fuck up, man. I was using liberal in the colloquial sense of “people on the left side of the political spectrum in the United States.” At some point you have to accept the way language is used instead of constantly fighting it like some fucking prig. Stop acting like everyone in the world owes you fucking…
As a black man who has spent his entire life trying to convince people that I’m not good at basketball just because I’m black (my black friends were understanding and tried to help me get better to no avail, my white friends were incredulous until they saw me bricking shots and didn’t want to play with me anymore),…
Look at this guy with his big “GOTCHA” that Splinter may, in fact, have a liberal editorial stance! Oh geez I thought this was CSPAN.com because they were so sneaky!
1. My vote wouldn’t matter anyway, because The Establishment something something!
Well the good news is you don’t have to worry about a government that is going to be pursuing centrist policies any time soon.
Always skips spine day
Paul Ryan sucked on the public teat his entire adult life. He received Social Security benefits through college after his father died, and he’s worked in government ever since then. He has never, not for one day as an adult not been paid for by taxpayers, but has been determined to take away the social safety net for…
You’re right, in that, at one point in time, the GOP was the party of progress. It stopped being that almost 100 years ago. Welcome to America, post 1960!
So you’re cool with the whole I’m-A-Piece-Of-Shit-And-My-Opinions-Are-Awful bit, and went right to pretending to give a shit about civil rights, that’s fucking adorable internet fundie troll rules-lawyering of the highest order that zero people are going to even bother to entertain for more than a half second…
It’s not about your opinions about what is and isn’t easy to do for other people who don’t live the same life that you do, it’s about the easiest solution becoming the most practical one in the face of adversity for most people. Instead of addressing that, you’re presenting one possible solution and getting nasty in…
I’ll just give you the Cornell breakdown: