
I agree that Claire and her husband are to blame, and now that Claire keeps playing the game it is even worse… Really disgusting that a political career is more important than a young boys life that has been damages for over a decade.

Ben didn't force her into anything. She - as an adult - could have said the truth the whole time. And he wouldn't even have thought about that plan if she hadn't put it into his head in the first place… What else should he have done than just stick with her first plan since he has nowhere to go…

Same here. Dropping a helpless child off at the bus station (with his kidnapper still on the loose) is just as stupid and horrible as forcing him to pretend to be someone else…

Don't feel for Willa at all. She could have helped find the kidnapper by going straight to the police, she never asked Ben of his own family or even helped him get to them, she was willing and finally did force Ben into lying and not being himself after he spent years without being able to be himself…

Because she didn't believe in doing it his way and went with her own way instead. But him saying "I believe in second chances, but I don't believe in third" could have been a way to express to her that he has his own way of taking revenge for his brother and she should have trusted him.

After the look Doran gave Ellaria right before she kissed Myrcella I kind of had the feeling he knew about her plan to kill her all along and supported it - although it would be strange to send his son with Jaime knowing that Myrcella will die. But then again he did manage to show Jaime that he and Ellaria do have