Right? It could practically be the cover for the Robin Thicke Christmas album that nobody wants.
Right? It could practically be the cover for the Robin Thicke Christmas album that nobody wants.
But baby it’s less rapey outside.
So were they launching a Trident or were they launching the X-37 again? Aren’t there regulations against testing ballistic missiles or are we just doing whatever the hell we want to?
Also, I’m really familiar with the way this looks just from being a resident Texican. We can have thunderstorms/supercells hundreds of…
OK... spill the beans. Where do you live that is so dumbass free?
The government claims they fired a “trident missile” but if that were true we’d expect to see three prongs in the image. BUT THERE ARE NONE!!!! I guess the sheeple will believe anything they’re told.
Selena as a great speaking voice. IDK what it is with all our new pop princesses and their fabulous low speaking voices (Miley, too) but I am here for it.
I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.
Her, idiot.
People like her are why I always mirthlessly laugh myself to death when someone says you can tell who is transgender just by looking at them.
I know I'm perpetuating cisnormative standards by saying this...but holy CRAP she is gorgeous!
I don’t know - it’s like looking at a Bratz Doll.
This works in a still picture. That’s it. But since the point of getting dressed up is to take a selfie and post it on Instagram, who cares that it doesn’t work IRL
I have these from Cole Haan. I don’t know what size you are but they have them on the Cole Haan website for $99 plus 30% off in sizes 5/5.5/6.
I didn’t like it. But worst movie ever? Not even close. Seems as if Kara Brown has not seen War Horse.
...on national television, on the yoogest show of the decade. But y’know, his lack of political correctness is charming and refreshing, haven’t you heard?
Licking the wife’s pussy. Because lord knows Bill isn’t satisfying her.
“Claire, did you bring your kneepads?”
The “good’ol days” are hardly behind us. Didn’t Trump just get called out for telling someone they would look good on their knees?
I really don't like the quarterly rewards categories system. I know many cards have it, but it seems like such a PITA to rotate cards just for the rewards, so I prefer cards that just match my regular spenmding patterns