Oh my god, somebody needs to find a taxidermist to make a Chupakardashia RTFN.
Oh my god, somebody needs to find a taxidermist to make a Chupakardashia RTFN.
I «dated down» for years in my early twenties, I was with someone who was not nearly as smart as I am and who was from a background where education and anything intellectual had no value. It embarassed me and I knew that our relationship was going nowhere but I insisted in keeping it up for 5 years and by the end we…
Agreed. Wanting to marry an investment banker isn't the same thing as wanting to marry someone who pulls their own goddamned weight. Yes, I'm successful and career-oriented, but I don't have the kind of income by myself on which one could support two people and a baby. Which means my partner needs to work. Not work so…
Another great piece from She Who Stays Woke, Kara Brown, Our Lady Of Killing It, Teller of Truths and Dispeller of Lies.
Like a cyclops with two extra eyes
she is just a performance artist who is testing new costume for Halloween. Soon Franco will write poetry about her.
I thought she claimed the surgeons weren't able to create her a third nipple? So she had one tattooed on…
what is it like having your every day work conversations being about triboobs and poop and butts? is it wonderful? surreal?
Gross balloons? For shame, Mark. How can you describe the miracle of life and adorable baby cephalopods this way? Next you'll be discussing puppies and kittens as "disgusting hair-balls."
EEEEE! Noooo they're so CUTE!
So I correctly guessed that there were squid/octopi in there, but my end of the evening brain just thought, "Who put all those tiny squid inside condoms?"
I think they're lovely! But I love octopi with all my heart. They are so smart and strange!
Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!
I hope this gets popular. I have an etsy shop where I only sell three-breasted bikini tops and so far business has been really slow.
Maybe that's why he says it would take several surgeries? To stretch out the skin there? With a series of larger implants maybe? I have already spent much more time thinking about this than I want to or should have.
Sorry, but I'm kind of hoping she goes ahead and files charges against him anyway. It's not like making him do this precludes that , right???