cheeto pendejo

it’s gonna be a VERY long time before it ever happens but what i was trying to imply is that i can wait until i can get a cheap one. the craigslists in big cities are RIDICULOUS and i used to get so much cheap stuff all the time before i moved to a small town. i bought pc parts on craigslist for super cheap like 8

i can’t wait to get an rtx (on craigslist after some rich dummy buys a better one and sells it to me for $130.)

this is the smartest take i’ve seen on this whole matter.

i keep auto-updates off and i have a separate installation of an old version (i think like v50-ish) with the add-on’s because of that shit. i don’t use it too often anymore unless i need to download a video because it’s just so damn easy the way i did it on old firefox. i won’t update it on my main pc until i try it

you bring up an interesting point. besides *hopefully* being pretty much near the limit of how big a vehicle can be without requiring a commercial license to operate, depending on how close we actually are to normalizing EV’s maybe these lil’ monster trucks can be considered a last hurrah.

you left out the part where the execs reassure each other that by putting that many people out of work, they’ll still be able to get an absurd bonus.

the solution seems pretty obvious cause prostitution may be a criminal act but making porn is totally legal so you can pay for sex as long as you get a video or pictures of it.

i wonder how they’ll fit r2d2 and chewbacca into it.

i’m very aware this is an ancient article but it popped up when i googled “mtg concede” after a friend got really upset that i conceded. i’ve only been playing about 6 or 7 months in a very informal setting and pretty much only with one person (and with a third person on a handful of games.)

god damn. even though it doesn’t always feel like working, i really should appreciate the jeep i bought for $1200 like 5 years ago cause apparently i couldn’t even replace my headlamps for that price.

totally. it’s obviously super dangerous and a terrible idea but if you go through that much trouble to pretend to have headlights i’m willing to assume that you’d rather have actual headlights but........reasons.

capitalism is the shit but that doesn’t mean i like to get fucking reamed. a lot of people get hung up on the fact that you don’t have to be a communist just because you don’t think some fucking assnugget deserves a $3omillion bonus for striking that right balance between absolute bare minimum and totally illegal but

i’m betting he meant “exhausted” but i’m gonna go and ahead agree with you and just assume that it’s all corporate doublespeak to play down the fact that they did that thing they said they wouldn’t do.

this is just balls out racist as shit but............. compared to mel brooks, who is?

the new content is amazing.  they may have taken away a bunch of guns but now they’re giving us older guns from the first game.  maybe next they can give us back the guns they just took away as new content, i can’t wait!

yea, i get that it’s not expressly forbidden so the case can be made that it’s legal but despite having a very sympathetic supreme court, i’m still banking on it being improbable because it’d be fascinating to see them shredding their legacy just for one last lick of trump’s nutsack.

maybe that’s one of those countries where people drive on the opposite side of the road. i didn’t realize that they mean opposite side of the same road.