Annihil Sex Haver

Flat-out technician is right and a great phrase. The YouTube of her 1997 US Open I think it was against Venus was awesome. Her peak in Singles was great and she really should have won the calendar Grand Slam that year.


TLDR; Criminal justice systems should be based solely upon vengeance and other retributive purposes.

This is the same Mikaela Lauren who was a Swedish national team swimmer and then went to prison for doping and weapons charges.

Dolphins fans are hoping it’s Jay Cutler

Scherbo was the most decorated athlete at the 1992 Olympics.

C’mon, I just want to see them pound the fuck out of each other... and then some boxing.

Hugh Hefner died two weeks ago, is it OK to let my member go back to full staff yet?

Even after all that, Darko could only grab 9 minutes of playing time off the bench! Jesus, he was terrible...

She was complicit until it started to cost her money. Just like most of them.

wall built to defend against mexico ends up hurting united states

3 wins, 3 draws, 4 losses. Yeah, that goal was a phantom, but this team’s quality is a phantasm. We’re out on merit.

If you think this is a problem limited to Hollywood, you’re delusional.

Horatio Requests you delete your account.

Quite the comeback. Real zinger, that.

Wow, it takes real balls to do something like this.

This is also one of the real dangers of a culture that treats expertise as “elitism” and views people with the kind long-term extensive training that doctors go through with mistrust and suspicion.

So are she and the baby okay and healthy? I can’t help but wonder if they had let her go through with the vaginal birth and something went wrong that they’d be dealing with a whole different lawsuit. I don’t know, can any of you superstars (not being sarcastic)who have hosted and birthed a whole new human speak to the

@Madame Nofear Thats not what terrorism means. Like, at all. If you’re terrified if someone carjacks you at gunpoint, does that make the carjacker a terrorist?
Terrorism does not mean “A really big scary violent crime”.