
im convinced now most major breakthroughs in medicine and science will happen in countries other than the US. i know alot of things werent discovered by the US but we used to be on the forefront of technology. now our economy and industries are so dependent on old fuel sources and old technology that anything new is

This was my exact thought while reading the comments on this article. Seems to be a lot of missing the point going on.

The one percenter loons in this country remind me of a YA novel I read years ago, where the main characters get stranded on an island that turns out to be inhabited by a group of earlier castaways. The castaways all run restaurants, and the local currency is diamonds.

*examines history of Dutch East India Company, British India Company, Various Other Companies From History That Acted Like Governments And Were Give The Power To Make Currency Raise Armies And Imprison People And Shit Like That*

But a company is not run to do anything more than make a profit. A government has a much broader mandate. I don’t want my government run like a business. A business only reacts to the needs/wishes of the people when forced.

It’s even worse than that. Not only do the “poorest and most vulnerable” not have any worth in this system, but for quite a few years now the GOP is pretty clear that they don’t even give a fuck about the actual middle class, either. At this point, they are only working for the wealthy.

You want to see what happens when you “run the government like a business?” Look at the Flint water crisis. Snyder wanted to save a few millions dollars without factoring in the actual residents of the city...and now look at the millions-upon-millions of dollars they are on the hook for, now.

Businesses are run with only the bottom line and enrichment of investors/stockholders in mind.

Hey, hey, hey, Jared Kushner’s father may be guilty of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering - but he has done nothing of what you said.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

Definitely. Because a company needs to serve its shareholders. A government needs to serve its voiceless and underrepresented. We can assign dollar values to this, but they will never work for the voiceless and underrepresented.

Came here to say just that — of course you can be “under budget” if you shaft contractors out of at least a quarter of what you owe them.

“I promised the American people I would produce results, and apply my ‘ahead of schedule, under budget’ mentality to the government.”

I’ve been a pass traveler, too, but I’ve seen this policy enacted in wildly different ways from site to site (and from agent to agent). If you’re going to have a policy, it shouldn’t be selectively applied, and a company should always be very careful not to criticize the apparel of younger children.

When my sister worked for United, we all had and followed the dress code for people getting basically free flights. And often, she and her kids would end up in first class. I really don’t see anything wrong with this policy. The passengers using the pass should have been aware of it too and dressed appropriately.

That sounds awful, but still not as bad as the anti-union propaganda I’m forced to watch as a manager. Did you know that unions exist to make as much money as possible off of their members while destroying innocent corporations?

Yes, i think that too. There are some clips i saw, that really could lead to the assumption that she hates him.

Yes! I can feel sorry for her and still think she is not that great of a person.