Annie's Boobs

I was pondering the limits of what I should and shouldn't describe. At least I didn't say "Ye olde!" Also, No mustache but I do have a monocle and a top hat. My other half thinks it's a little to Patrick Bateman when that is all I wear to bed. I keep telling her I've stopped wearing spats along with it.

This story is made all the more incredible by your user name.

I guess, as another poster described it-like a pinky?

Oh god I've been there. My first time... I stopped short of asking him to put it in because I noticed he was cumming...

I'm sorry, that joke isn't very kosher. And now I'm feeling quite dill.

TMZ has never been successfully sued for libel or defamation.

Sigh. The first time I attempted anal he assumed liquid dial would work just as well as lube. *SPOILER ALERT*

I don't think it is so much that I need sex, but that my husband and I need intimacy in our marriage. We find it in many ways, but the most fun is sex.


Update: Yyyyup!

"Guys, what I was trying to say was..."

Oh bullshit. #GoSpursGo. She's one of the very few genuine sports fans on ESPN's female employee roster.

When someone's primary reaction to a man knocking a woman unconscious is "sure it's bad, but what did she do to provoke him?" it sends an unambiguous message that the violence is partially, if not mostly, the woman't fault. No amount of weasel-words or mealy-mouthed qualifiers change that.

Sorry, I might have been unclear. I'm honestly not trying to insult or be rude. What I'm saying is, just because it is possible for SAS to imagine a situation where a woman actively provokes a man to hit her, why is he bringing it up in reference to Rice? He's either trying to have a conversation about hypothetical

I wasn't going to trust that link, but then I saw that it was a trusted link, so...

There really isn't anything that justifies a violent reaction other than a violent attack. Therefore, there is no point in talking about who is "provoking" who.

"So I was just forced to watch this morning's First Take..."

Written like someone who knows absolutely nothing about domestic abuse.

I know you're joking but she just guaranteed her tenure. They can never fire her now.

I love that he wastes so much time with tough-guy posturing, too. He makes sure we know he'll kick an ass if it touches one of his female possessions, though said possession could save him the trouble by rethinking her tone before it gets that far.