Annie's Boobs

Don't see nothin wrong with it.

Looked good to me...

Most of these are horrible, I mean really they're just a game box art slapped onto the regular console for almost all of them. Where's the sexy custom painted consoles I was promised?

These are all terrible. It's a system, not a goddamn billboard, you fuckers.

"I instructed him to exit the vehicle. As he did, I noticed that he was rather large in stature and appeared to be athletically fit. I mean, he was huge. But still had amazing muscular definition. With broad shoulders and hands the size of ironing boards. If you were an NFL quarterback, it would be absolutely

Things tend to go terribly wrong when anyone on the Jaguars tries to make a pass.

"large in stature and athletically fit" is my new favorite euphemism for black

I know Joe Everyfan and he's got season tickets to the Packers...

Any song that mentions "fags" and "AIDS" gets my dander up, but other than that, while this stuff is sub-optimal, the fact that anybody is surprised by this is way more surprising than any of the nicknames.

As a Vikings fan, let me say this, FUCK THIS ORGANIZATION. I'm not gonna pay $150 minimum to sit in the nosebleed bleachers of a college stadium in sub-zero temperatures. Ticket prices are insane, and Joe Everyfan is priced out. Good thing football is infinitely better to watch on TV.

Screw your [sic], where I come from it's "on line." I'll fight you over it.

If only the article made some mention of that…

I'm pretty sure I got Dead Nation out of it, cause I had all the other games.

Part of Crossfit is performing movements with a relatively high potential for injury in a competitive environment with implicit pressure to go faster and heavier. This will inevitably lead to breakdowns in form, and injuries.

The worst part is something they cannot recompense me for: that blackout happened right when SOCOM 4 was released, and now the SOCOM team no longer exists.

The door's open, so it was probably a half second, shared in gif form for an eternity.

People just spread sheety puns everywhere.


Watkins was matched up against defensive coach Ray Ellis. Ellis had just minutes before put his clipboard down on the turf in hopes of throwing off the rookie WR. So yes, Watkins was tripping on the Ellis D.

Pictured: Alabama's 2014 schedule