
Do you like Woody Allen movies, or black-and-white existentialist Iranian dramas with no plot?

I really didn’t expect it to end with Howard the Duck killing Thanos and taking the Gauntlet for himself. That was so out of left field.

Based on the sketch, it appears the killer is actually YouTube personality Logan Paul.

I was shocked they ended the season making it look like Antonio kills himself. I would’ve liked SOME kind of positive for the character who basically got shit on the entire season.

The Katrina season is apt to be much more like the OJ season in terms of structure. I think that format likely works better — a mix of what happened and how is the justice system going to deal with it?

The FBI blowing the manhunt would have made for a much more interesting story and I think play into some of the zeitgeist-y moments — miscarriages of justice when it came to the gay community particularly in the wake of the AIDS crisis would have been an interesting route. It touched on it a little here and there —

I respectfully disagree.

Great news: there really was a dog named Prints and he really didn’t get killed! (He was a Dalmation, though. I imagine Dalmations are hard as hell to train for TV.)

I hope he ends up in a lot more Ryan Murphy show’s because he was a revelation last night.

Hey dumbass. Civil disobedience. Look it the fuck up.

Whenever I want to masturbate in a car service I call Luber®.

What I’m explaining to you is that this default reaction you seem to think “people” had with the scene is not universal.

Is he? I think he was a stand-in for the viewer and a foil to avoid having to actually visually depict the rape.

I’m embarrassed by my fellow WW on the daily and this begins today’s embarrassment. My god.

Dude—fuck that movie. Read the original Stephen king short story. Darabont ruined it and I know you hate it for the same reason I do. The story will set you free!

Throw in a few of the interactions from the comics where Rocket points out that Tony is essentially an ignorant savage from a backwater planet (while casually disassembling and rebuilding tech Tony can’t yet wrap his head around) and I will probably leave the theater with a smile that lasts a few days.

Tilda Swinton, like her alien co-pilot David Bowie, transcends all genders and sexualities. So yes. And no.

Jesus fucking Christ, dude, fine, YOU’RE RIGHT. There, are you satisfied? Is it so fucking important to you to be smarter than everybody else that you have to continuously be a gaping, bloody asshole about it? Fine, I relent, you’re right, you know every goddamn thing about Norse mythology there is to know. Hey

Free pencil?

You hope all the main characters EXCEPT Carl die off??!?!??? WTF??