Well, you’re intelligent, you’re perceptive, you have empathy, and you realize how simple it is. Not easy, but simple. And you're willing to do the work. Because you know we're all working for the betterment of everyone.
Well, you’re intelligent, you’re perceptive, you have empathy, and you realize how simple it is. Not easy, but simple. And you're willing to do the work. Because you know we're all working for the betterment of everyone.
Fuck I am stealing this. I know way to many white people who just give no fucks. Or the fucks they give is on what the hell is happening in my uterus or in my bedroom.
And the White “progressives” that sat out the election or went third party even though we needed all of their votes.
“Things are going to be bad for us,” we said.
“Who cares?” they said.