
“Paper Hearts” is one of my favorite episodes. Did you know that it was written by Vince Gilligan? It’s revealed by the end of the episode he didn’t kidnap her.

Creeps that get off on power?

It disturbed me when I heard people say that because he’s an alcoholic in recovery. He should be the last person that anyone should want to drink with.

TMZ is a little more polished looked. A little more.

I will never understand why people thought that George W. seemed like “fun.” He always struck me as a typical addicted-turned-born-again, and they are insufferable.


Thora Birch and Kelly Lynch are really good in it. Ellen Page has a bit part too.

He currently attended an evangelical church that is anti-Catholic, but while campaigning in Florida he attended Catholic church. Some said it was a cynical attempt to appeal to Latino votes. Ya think?

Another thing that got gossiped about a lot is that he and his family changed religions several times. I think he’s on number 4. It’s said that his family did that because certain churches were prominent where they lived and they joined to get what they could from the church. Like his family converted to LDS when they

I posted this elsewhere:

He supposedly has a secret family. I heard about it a few years ago when I lived in Florida. I found very little info about it online, but I did find this:

I used to live in Florida so I’m well acquainted with Rubio’s many scandals.

Rubio brother-in-law was convicted of trafficking drugs and he helped him get a real estate license, so he’s one to talk:

I have that one on DVD.

Oh, he gets better. My dad died fairly young and suddenly, leaving my a widow in at 37. This guy also saw how vulnerable she was an exploited it. His best friend’s wife. He had a live-in girlfriend, but he would tell my mom that he “loved” her and wanted to marry her. While living with another woman. He would mock his

My dad was military too, and I asked my mom and she said you’re right. I thought it was 20 because I knew so many people growing up who did exactly 20 years. In every case they failed to make rank. Even 50% is a sweet deal if you live in an economically depressed area, because you still make more money than everyone

My jaw actually dropped when reading your story. I’m so sorry, both to you and those women that you tried to help.

Yeah, it’s like “survival sex,” which needs a better name:

There are some people that that get off on having power over another human being so they can exploit it.