
I posted this yesterday in the Gawker story about Jeb Bush wanting to eliminate food stamps, about a guy I knew that dated women on welfare and treated them like garbage:

Yeah, it sounds like he was playing you and the other girl off each other. That’s huge red flag behavior. Do you remember the Texas Cadet Murder back in the 90s? The guy told the girl he had cheated on her and she decided that they should kill the girl he cheated with to atone for it. During his trial he admitted that

You’re probably right, but military bragging is so extreme that it stands out more. For example, I’ve had 3 separate servicemen tell me that they personally gave the order to shoot down United 93 on 9/11.

I found out about the impressive things my father did in the service when I read his obituary when he died.

My dad was in the military, so I grew up around military people. One thing I learned is that the more someone in the service brags, the less impressive their actual career is.

I agree with you on those. I also thought that he and Chris O’Donnell had good chemistry. If Pacino had toned down his performance, I’d probably like it a lot more.

She did it on purpse too.

At least Russell Crowe didn’t win. He was the favorite that year.

That’s another reason why that particular win annoys me. Hell, Pacino was amazing in another performance that same year in the Glengarry Glenn Ross. He was nominated for that one too, but lost to Gene Hackman for Unforgiven, which doesn’t bother me because Hackman was great.

Pacino’s “hoo-has” made me cringe.

Thiat happened to my mom. My dad died fairly young and suddenly, leaving my a widow in at 37. My dad’s “best friend” also saw how vulnerable she was an exploited it. He had a live-in girlfriend, but he would tell my mom that he “loved” her and wanted to marry her. While living with another woman. He would also mock

I’d add Catch Me if You Can to that list.

Sanders has been called “the amendment king” thanks to his record of pushing through major reforms.

I haven’t seen that, but heard it was good. He was also good in a dramatic role during the first season of NYPD Blue.

That movie is called Trust (not to be confused with the Hal Hartley film with the same name), and it’s really good.

That’s in Top of the Rock:

Sheri Shepard was in the episode where Ross and Joey a job at the museum where he worked. All her scenes were with Riss and Joey.

In the book Top of the Rock about the “must see TV” days of NBC, he comes across as such a great guy that I felt bad for Ross being my least favorite character on Friends.

She also made the criminally underrated Awakenings, which contains my favorite performances of both Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro.