
She also made Near Dark, which with the possible exception of The Lost Boys, was the best vampire movie of 1987.

I found the DVD of that show for $6 at Big Lots and fell in love with it.

Yeah, I think when you start peaching morality you’re opening yourself up to criticism, particularly if you’re getting paid for it!

It was in the comments for one of the Bristol pregnancy stories. They posted gifs of her from Dancing with the Stars where she looked pregnant. I’ll try to find it, but there are a lot of Gawker stories about her. While looking, I found this gem:

Someone on Gawker also posted an elaborate theory that Brisol was pregnant when she was on Dancing with the Stars, and that kid is being raised by Track. Maybe there are 2 Track/Bristol kids?

Makes sense. I posted above that I was surprised that he wanted custody because I assumed he wasn’t the father.

I’m surprised because I honestly thought that he wasn’t the father and that’s why they split.

Don’t forget the part where she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lecture others on the importance of abstinence.

Yes, but it’s not impossible, and Trig’s birth story is really odd. Supposedly Sarah Palin started going into labor while in Texas and flew to Alaska WHILE IN LABOR!

There’s also a rumor that he’s actually the child of Sarah Palin’s oldest son Track. Maybe he’s Track AND Bristol’s kid?

I liked her biopic of young John Lennon.

She was terrific in the quickly-cancelled Ben and Kate.

She’s also excellent in the underseen Another Day in Paradise and the not very good version of Lolita.

Anyplace that sells Doc Martens.

When I lived in Chicago, I bought an entire wardrobe of nice clothes at thrift stores.

I read this book last year, and it completely changed the way I look at and buy clothes:

That should be GOTTI!


It still exists on the web.