
I'd like to second the Archmage's comment. Just took a quick look at your comment history, and girl - you have the patience of a saint.

Idk. To me, it seemed more than she was simply losing touch with reality. "Lost the plot" as it were.

His mother was pregnant in his vision (hallucination, whatever it is
is.) Presumably, that's a teeny tiny Darlene in there.

The only word that was completely bleeped in the last scene was "Big Mac." No. Seriously. They let "fucking" slide, but bleeped a slightly less than complimentary reference to McDonald's.

I think Joanna is just plain losing her shit. Two weeks ago, she found out her hubby murdered a woman he was meant to power play seduce, last week she started rambling about secret adoption baby, amd now said hubby is MIA.

I thought the implication was that Tyrell had decided to join Elliot in "murdering" Evil Corp. Tyrell talks about how powerfull he felt after killing Sharon Knowles, then the show cuts to Elliot and Tyrell in the arcade discussing the plan.
I thought the gloves were simply symbolic
(Does thst make sense? I just ran out

@Immallama Mr. Robot was renewed before the pilot ep aired. Seriously .

Agreed. It won't even play on my tablet and Yahoo seems to be spending their day scrubbing it from YouTube (can't find it anywhere.)
This distributed production thing he's got going has had the unintended effect of letting me know which streaming services suck (Vevo/Yahoo Screen) and which don't (um, YouTube/Nerdist

I heard him on "Doug Loves Movies" recently. He did say "this is my last album" but it was definitely in reference to his current contract
Honestly though, I'm not sure why that's even relevant anymore. If a musician independently releases a song whenever he/she pleases, we still get the music. And the press may

You know, I suppose I go through a similar process of, um, "creative editing," I guess I could call it, when writing in an informal/non-academic context. Then again, I guess we all do this with written communication; it's how we ended up with both obnoxious pendants and obnoxious emoji-users in the same world.

Genuinely curious — on what basis do you use nonstandard spellings? I mean, there are endless opportunities to use (or create) a variant that is clearer/more etymologically logical. How do you gauge what is and what is not a justifiable change?

Thank you for that.
". . . astrophysics black guy, Hayden planetary fly." Delightful.

What's got me confused is that Hulu already streams South Park; they have for quite some time. I guess this announcement had more to do with them having exclusive streaming rights from here on out.

I think we probably share an appreciation for archaic spelling conventions, so I don't want to be a dick about this, BUT . . . you may want to reconsider your use of diaereses.
I find them weirdly charming when used correctly, a là "New Yorker," but your use is kind of off.
"Naïve"? Sure. "Somëone"? Eh, not so much.

Punctuation is your friend; the thesaurus is not.

Yeah, I honestly think this is a classic case of Internet kneejerk-ism. If someone hadn't watched the episode, didn't know the novel, and went on headlines/HBO teasers alone, he/she could easily mistake "The Leftovers" as a Lost-esque show. io9 has been covering it, which would suggest that it is a sci-fi or fantasy

Oh no, you're absolutely right. I didn't mean to suggest he did it to himself - Wayne was most definitely the doer. Poor wording on my part.
Though honestly, I could posit that, in seeking the attention/approval of Wayne, who is obviously not hesitant to inflict pain, Tom exhibits a sort of fucked up desire to feel

Ooh, I just figured out where I knew Paterson Joseph from - "Survivers". I'm glad you had his name in your post; it was driving me nuts, but I was too lazy to actually Google it up.
And, yeah Ann Dowd's handful of lines were extremely powerful. Partially, because I didn't expect it and partially, because her voice is

Nailed it. My brain tried to throw out an objection similar to Banjoman's and then I remembered 9/11. I think people may have forgotten how huge the effect of 9/11 was on our nation's psyche. The thing is though, it didn't last because we were able to find some sense of resolution.

In the final scene, when the kid* jumped in the pool, there was a quick shot of his back and it was all carved up. For sure a medieval self-flagellation imagery thing.