
It’s annoying that I’m having to explain this to you but I guess someone has to break it down even further for you. This isn’t your moment to shine and announce how “woke” you are. It’s harmful for men when a topic of conversation is how some men talk about women and their bodies? For real? Sit down. There are bigger

I took more umbrage with the fact that it mostly focused on his time in the military. The entire thing sounded like the speech guys give on The Bachelorette just before they get kicked off for being gross.

I had to pause and walk away from that episode a couple times when I was watching it on dvr when it freshly aired. I had to quit that episode on Netflix because it was just too much noooooo

This is a very feminist show rooted in rom com tropes (and does it better than the most mindy project might I add.) So there’s at least a quarter of the new season that will be dedicated to Josh. The second quarter until the mid season finale will be Greg and with any luck it will come back with Rebecca realizing

Yogi Bear has never been the same since he got into that meth tainted honey...

One of my father’s choicer “Dad Quotes” is the answer to the first amendment arguement bullshit.

I would think white women get the best of the I’m about to complain hardcore and people will pretend not to listen and it won’t become a scene aspect of that socialization. Enough ornery white women in the past have been the “what’s your name and who is your supervisor?” thing that sometimes when I’ve experienced

Mwangaguhuna? Is that his real last name? How do you pronounce it? Because best I can tell it is the sound a Bond villain makes just when they thought they had won 

I kind of hope she lets this hang for like a year then comments on it. Like oh she’s such a class act. She rose above this garbage barge of an election year! Then a year from now she drops the realest and snarkiest response. This way it gets the true media coverage it deserves

There’s a fullness to her face which the Donald doesn’t usually praise. I’m going to guess what he’s saying is fatty fatty two by four no way my tiny penis enters her backdoor.

Another trend is outlying the case that you’re a credible victim before you start. I’m not pointing any fingers because you know what they say. You point one finger and you have four more pointing back at you.

Or the pants are so billowy so the young things have to search around for that toffee he tells them is in his pocket but you have to get it yourself.

Ew! That fireplace mantle looks like the vagina from that vagina teeth movie. Or what I imagine. I will watch lifetime movies no question but I draw the line at my boyfriend’s bad horror movie picks

Let’s be honest, Jeb! barely gets an invite. Billy Bush is to the Bush Family the same as the second cousins are to the Kennedy family. They’re only Kennedy’s if someone got arrested or HLN needs a fun fact of the day

What? Not the less cool than Uncle Joe Biden but would totally spot you a hundo or bail you out of trouble, Uncle Jeb!.

Doesn’t bother me at. I don’t think a lot about how my food gets processed and if I do it doesn’t really bother me

Actually seeing a naked photo of Ann Coulter and seeing she was anatomically correct would shock me. I imagine she looks just like a Barbie doll under her super boring clothes

It’s like when you smell something terrible. You can’t be the only one to experience it. You have to make other people smell it. That thought was the two week old mystery Tupperware in the communal fridge at work. I couldn’t be the only burdened by that thought.

I always wore swimsuit bottoms because it seemed the most decent thing to do. You’re right. He wouldn’t consider the decent thing to do

There was this huge rumor that it was actually clear and my dad chimed in with “actually it’s this pale white grey color...” and I believe him because he did some engineering work for food companies at one time. He so staunchly and fiercely demanded that my mother never ever ever buy wishbone dressings that as an