
It’s easy to copy and paste but harder to find true facts. Which do you not know what I’m talking about......the immunity or the Awan’s?

What about everyone in the Clinton circle who were given immunity and then plead the 5th. Not one of them had any consequences. They gave out immunity like candy. What about the Awan’s, they had access to information and devices but he got a bank charge??? Justice isn’t blind!

I thought it was Adrian Lamo who threw Chelsea under the bus not Julian? It’s funny how the U.S. loved Assange when he was exposing other countries etc. for what they were doing. Say nothing bad about the U.S. no matter how true. WE are the TERRORISTS of the world! The war crimes perpetrated on other countries by us

Alleged, and Roger Stone didn’t have contact with Julian....He just wanted to look like he was in the know, it’s called ego. It’s been proven there was no contact. The date the phone call with Trump and Stone supposedly happened...unverified...was after Wiki Leaks already had it in print about the drop and Assange

PLEASE......Assange had nothing to do with Russia. When you realize Main Stream Media are Corporate owned Propagandists selling lies for their agenda. Hillary, the DNC and the news conspired against Bernie Sanders and cheated to get the nomination. Russia was smoke and mirrors. DNC wasn’t hacked, it was an inside job