Pussy Galore

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

This argument was made 50 years ago, and your position lost. Sorry.

Yep, here too. Seems like a typical mid 2000s MySpace to me.

Talks about never visiting Jezebel.
Talks about visiting Kotaku and Jalopnik
Mentions “white-shaming” whatever the fucking that is

Loving this comment

This is the best thing I’ve read all week.

I saw it on a forum after the show, not the vid but someone asking if one of us could make it like Benny Hill.

Best I can tell, you fall on the stupid side of things.

I for one am always surprised. Not feigning at all. I have actually tried to understand how the hateful kind of racism (the ignorant kind makes more sense to me) came to be and it still doesn't make sense.

Most of us don’t hang out with the racists. I absolutely believe that racism is a thing and know that many of my friends have to deal with crap like this every day. But I was raised in a multicultural community, married into a not racist family and don’t have racist friends. I have heard a white person use the “n

OK, I literally don’t get this. Are her lips supposed to be unattractive? Her perfect skin? Her adorable nose and excellent profile? So confused.

Yeah, that clear IMO. Not sure why the post is so snark.

Smart enough to pass a Calculus exam, stupid enough to ignore the lessons of history in regards to Communism and it’s miserable failure. Sigh...

A backdoor isn’t literally a door in the system. “A back door is a means of access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms.”

Or drive any woman who would be interested in you away (by doubting everything she says and questioning her actions)?

Maybe all females cheat on HIM.

I was very afraid that last star trek one was going to be a similarly dealbreaking offense. I am relieved.

Referring to women as “females” definitely helps your credibility here... realize saying it was statistically insignificant works against the point you’re trying to make, right?

Poor violent, abusive men. It’s just not FAIR to hold them responsible for their own actions. It’s all the fault of the evil bitches who drove them to it!