
Yes, we all want you to die instead of using your privilege to try and fix the problem of institutionalized racism and white privilege. We want death, not progress. People of color are animals after all.

Barry Switzer’s quote, “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple,” is something that finally got the idea of my own privilege through my thick, white skull.

let’s do have such a discussion, though! i’m pretty fascinated by this.
i’m a white, and grew up in south africa, a place where my skin colour was not native, where i was the offspring of colonists who rapidly exploited the country for all it was worth. i was once one of those pretentious kids who said “i may be

The best part was when a white student couldn’t get scholarships because she thought POC were getting them and when the host actually gave her facts that infact white people were actually getting the overwhelming majority of scholarships she said she felt “attacked”

Disagree, “Real World” was amazing at the beginning but it’s dead now, so so dead.

Do.. we need to get you a history book about the history of European colonialism in Africa? Or can I just direct you to South Africa in the 20th century as an example?

White women that blame minorities for not getting into college or getting scholarships are the worst. As a white woman you benefit from affirmative action the most.

Are you that ignorant? Have you never heard of colonization and oppression? Do you have any idea about the history of the African continent? South Africa? Rhodesia?

I look forward to a fruitful and positive discussion in the comments...

I don’t have a particular problem with Swift (though this did annoy me) and, as a matter of fact, have more than one of her songs on repeat, but to say she doesn’t fit conventional beauty standards is ridiculous. She’s a pretty, tall, blue eyed, blonde haired white girl - she is the conventional beauty standard, and

Minaj’s tweet was about the praise/recognition for Swifts video, not a jab at Swift. It was about those who choose the nominees picking the video with all the thin sexy white ladies over the video with all the curvy sexy women of color. Rather than taking a step back and actually applying some critical thinking skills

to every person saying ‘it’s a good apology but she shouldn’t have done something in the first place’

she did call out the industry though. also, Taylor swift greatly benifits from the industries rasicm and narrow body standards.

You all are right. I was exaggerating to make a point, and I might have been a little too thoughtless and glib about it. This happens to middle-class white people too, as a lot of you proved, and policing any type of parenting that goes against current parenting trends is an issue no matter what.

But there is a difference: in many of those cases the parents are being “investigated”, rather than summarily arrested and charged. Also, their behavior has the privilege of being identified with a “philosophy” of parenting, whereas the black mothers are just “neglectful.” It stinks to be a poor black mother in this

This can’t be said enough. When white moms do this shit*, it’s called “free-range parenting” and they get book deals out of it.

Yes! I live in the Bahamas and if this was thing over here, 90% of the parents I know would be in the lock-up.

I was born in 89 and, once a month during the 90s, my mom left me in the toy section of a department store for 30 minutes while she went to pay her credit card some 70 feet away. I imagine she should be rotting in jail.

You’re being conservative. ‘84 here, and my mom would have gotten the needle.

This is horrible. If you were born before 1982, almost all of our parents would have been arrested.