
I mean, a major part of POV writing is that the events described are being described through the filter of the narrator and therefore open to objective interpretation by the reader.

"now you are saying that you know whether sex was "objectively" consensual or not better than the woman herself in her POV?! Based on… nothing?"
When did I say that? What I said was "I'm starting to think…" and then I presented my opinion of my take on a work of literary fiction. Also, is being disrespectful to

Well yes, but from the sounds of it wildling women have to earn their not-being-raped by regularly fighting off rapists. In fact, in the books, the whole way you get married as a wilding is to basically be kidnapped and overpowered. So.

That's arguable. For one thing, everything in the books is POV and therefore not objectively reliable.
The Lancel situation is consensual, yes, but I'm starting to think the Cersei/Jamie relationship is not as consensual as we may have been lead to believe in the POV book descriptions. I mean, Cersei is pretty adamant

I'm not disagreeing that the scene was rape. And the more I think about it the more I think that this scene was a rape in the books, also. I'm actually starting to understand the Jamie/Cersei relationship differently now. I think, looking back, it makes more sense to portray her as someone who has been sexually abused

My point was women in this world have virtually no agency outside of what men allow. Sure, you can refuse a marriage if your father is nice (Cersei's clearly isn't, as she regularly begs him not to marry her to Loras), and I'm sure as a prostitute (one of the few means of support open to women in this world so whether

I mean, by modern standards, Ned Stark raped Catelyn on their wedding night. She certainly didn't choose to marry him and didn't even like him at first, if memory serves. You run into this problem with virtually every male character on this show. Tyrion buys women, for god's sake. I totally understand the point you're


Story theory: Maybe this is Jamie and Cersei's regular dynamic in the tv version? Like, maybe they're portraying Cersei as a lifelong victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her brother who has developed a kind of stockholm-syndrome style defense mechanism. I haven't gone back and rewatched all their interactions, but

Can I just throw out there that exactly no women in this show get to choose whom they have sex with or when? I mean, virtually all the heterosexual sex we see in this show is non-consensual. You could argue the prostitutes have some say, but, not really. Maybe the captain's daughter that Theon had sex with and Robb's

"The show even goes so far as to add another gruesome touch—that Cersei is holding her dead son’s hand throughout." What? When did that happen? That did not happen. I just rewatched the scene for the third time and that never happened. I feel like maybe the scene should be given more than a cursory glance before

1. Even though I'm pretty sure one of those lines is directly from the books, I really loved how they kept having to say Daario's name so everyone would know he'd been recast. "This is Daario. Hello Daario! Oh Daario, you scamp. That is true, Daario."
2. I would like to see Sansa's story line adjusted slightly for the

I thought this episode was the best yet in terms of Rick and Carl's growth. I honestly haven't cared much about either character in awhile and this episode was successful in changing that. I thought the flashbacks were nice, I thought Rick's line about how "it's like this sometimes, and that's enough" was really a

"it’s so dangerous that it’s hard to take seriously as a psychological condition" - because a crazy person without access to meds or any kind of care is not at all a dangerous thing to be dealing with in a post-apocalyptic scenario?

That scene made my heart go all aflutter.

Hey man, I'm just expressin myself over here. I thought it was just as good as every episode that got an A, if not better. Though I realize the grading system is based on subjective opinions and is therefore arbitrary, I'M STILL ALLOWED TO FEEL FEELINGS ABOUT IT

He was joking. And it was before the cupcake scene.

I know! I loved the drunk girl! As my boyfriend put it "wow, I ACTUALLY want to punch that person in the face, that depiction of an annoying drunk person is so good!"

I actually loved boring handsome guy and I hope he comes back. For some reason I find boring characters who drone on and on to be the most funny. (See: Nate Nickerson from the last couple seasons of The Office)

I love that they keep requesting 90s hip hop wherever they go. I hope they keep doing that.
Sexy faces was fantastic!