
Chain libraries are a real thing. It keeps people from stealing hand copied books.

The storytelling is getting sloppy which is frustrating for a show that has always been tightly written. I was always okay with the show doing things differently than the books. Although I've read the books, I saw the show first and loved it. Now I'm longing for the next books so I can see how the story is meant to

I like B613, but I'm tired of the attempt to take it down. It's fun as a secretive agency. My dream would be to leAve it as it was, and then have Jake and Charlie join the team while Huck gets some mental health care and goes into permanent hiding with his family and never be on the show again. I love Charlie and

George Bailey from Its AWonderful Life. He sacrificed his dreams for his family.

I think I'm the only person who likes creepy Quinn and Charlie.