
Why are you being a dick?

A .4 BAC is a medical emergency. I’m glad his addiction finally has come to light as if you’re not blacked out during this, you’ve been at it for a long, long time.

The did the same thing to Ryan Lochte when he went and acted the fool at the Olympics in 2016.

“Let me get my firin’ Pen”

“Meuller’s comin’, yo!”

I can’t get past that I’m rooting for the fucking FBI. What a time to be alive.

Seeing that my race committed these heinous act makes me hurt. But it’s not about my hurt, it’s about those who actually suffered hurt. I can still close my eyes and go to sleep at night in peace. There are many, many others who could not. THOSE are the people who’s feelings matter.

World’s Largest Stooge isn’t such a selective distinction. Shemp was the tallest and he was only like 5'6".

I’m not sure in this instance since the U.S. attorney’s office is federal, but turning over things to state prosecutors (such as the NY Attorney General) is a good way to circumvent Trump’s pardon powers. He can only pardon federal crimes - not state ones.

I’m not sure if this is the big kick-off, but I like the way they came running in without giving Cohen advanced warning (aka shred notice). That says the FBI is ready to go on Cohen.

Having a baby at any point is difficult but at 50 she’s going to need to get even more respect. Senator Duckworth is amazing and can do anything so she can Senator, mom and wife all at the same time. Congrats to her and her husband, and blessings on her lovely family.

I am so, so sorry for what happened to you.

I am so in awe that you reached out and got help, as hard as that clearly was.

And I am so grateful you chose to share this. Thank you. You WILL help someone by doing that. <3

So well written. This reminded me a lot of my childhood and life - the knowing that I wasn’t really a man because men can’t be raped. The shame and depression. For me it was years long sexual abuse from my step father and there are multiple times in my life where the fallout from those years nearly destroyed my life

America was never as good as you previously thought it was, and it’s not as bad as you currently think it is.

I mean, sure it looks bad but we should really wait for the New York Times to interview these people to see if they’re sad about a steel mill closing.

The polite thing to do is to ask the owner of the space what his or her preferences are. Not to “figure it out yourself”.

But the Atlanta Journal-Constitution says the CDC retracted an earlier statement they’d given to police saying Cunningham hadn’t received a promotion, insisting now that he had been promoted.

i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.

This always plays better as the concept album it started out as - it’s kind of sloppy as a traditional musical. But Dixon was amazing, Norm Lewis as Caiphas must have been shaking the rafters with that bass, Jin Ha was his perfect foil in Annas (their voices blended SO well), and while Legend’s acting chops were not


I can’t stand is culture vulture ass. He hasn’t brought anything new or interesting to the projects he has been in.