
This is not in any way relevant to anything but my god is she stunningly beautiful.

Paint “Rape happens everywhere” on the dumpster and put it back. Once a year, a brigade of feminist painters should put X’s on every spot on campus were an assault took place.

Trying to pretend like some of us do remember Melania peddling that racist birther bullshit back when she was hawking her horrible line of jewelry or face care. Whatever it was, it was a lie.

“Poor George, he can’t help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

I miss Molly Ivins so much, and wish she was around to wickedly skewer the Dotard and his evil enablers.

The students should just dump their garbage there until they get the message. Holy crap, putting a plaque up to memorialize this total miscarrage of justice makes me want to vomit.

Put back the dumpster and set it on fire.

This is a wonderful takeaway and an important one! Thanks for your comment.

One thing I’ve learned in the past week is that one of the more subtle yet insidious abuses of power is their continued insistence that they be the ones to “fix” things. On their terms, always on their terms.

Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed.

How utterly despicable.

I hope this shit gets smashed over and over and over again. The school’s attempt to sanitize the situation and turn it into some optimistic bullshit is disgusting. Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed. Fuck

If there was EVER a paper that a teacher was going to proofread before sending it home with their students you’d think it would be the list of fucking spelling words! Like, really?!?

For real.

Why do I feel like the word shouldn’t even be in a spellchecker’s dictionary? It should always show up underlined when typed. Maybe Clippy should be resurrected just for that purpose.

I’ll carry this one a step further, if someone starts referring to Jane Fonda as “Hanoi Jane,” ask them if they know who William Westmoreland is.

That was a hell of a documentary, btw.

I watched the Vietnam documentary as well. I still have the last episode and a half to get through because it becomes too much to bear. You know what’s more offensive than Jane Fonda? The fact that this country learned nothing from the lessons of Vietnam. NOTHING!!

I️ caught this today, and thought, how petty are you? I️ guess she has never done or said anything she regrets. Shame, because she should want to take back all the racist bullshit she said at Fox.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”