
Those who want to honor her memory should really consider not only fighting for justice, but radical self-care as well. Eating well, addressing any mental health concerns,exercise, etc. We can’t fight for equality and freedom if we are trapped in unhealthy bodies. say thank you for trying and I’m sorry for the loss

Those who want to honor her memory should really consider not only fighting for justice, but radical self-care as well. Eating well, addressing any mental health concerns,exercise, etc. We can’t fight for equality and freedom if we are trapped in unhealthy bodies.

I (amazingly) got all of my Christmas gifts done!

I kind of made curtains! My house needs a lot of refreshing and cleaning and I’ve just been overwhelmed by the thought of even trying to start. I deep cleaned a lot over the last two days and decided new kitchen curtains would help but I couldn’t find any that complimented my mixer. So I bought a super long set and

Here it is- the finished Ikea kitchen makeover! Little FashionDon’t LOVES it too, which makes me very happy :)

I made more cookies. So many cookies.

Weird, SNS says it published an hour ago but just showed up for me. Kinjaaaaa!


The most dangerous person we know is typically the person we’ve chosen to share our bed with.

Oh, for sure. I quit drinking on January 2 this year, and I’ve found myself in uncomfortable and weird situations, especially on the holidays. I am getting better at extracting myself when I get too uncomfortable around drunk people.

Sober New Year’s is great! I discovered about five years ago I do not have to spend the first day of the new year puking my guts out and it has been a revelation.

I’m feeling a cold coming on, and I’m so going to hunker down if I get sick. If not, I’m probably going to go to a dance party to see how I fare on my first sober New Years in probably over a decade.

The man is just a special case all around.

I once had a therapist ask me if she can put me in a book she was working on - four sessions after meeting her. When it becomes clear that my pain is part of your career stepping stone, then it’s hard for me to have confidence that you’re invested in my healing. It’s unethical to flagrantly prioritize entertainment

I feel the same way. If my therapist was constantly chasing attention and was comfortable using me or other patients to do it, she wouldn’t be my therapist anymore. And yes, I’ve wondered before how his former patients feel about him.

Fuck Dr. Phil, and not in the sexy way. All shows like this are predatory, as far as I’m concerned. They say they have two objectives: to entertain and inform. Neither of those things involve ethically ensuring people who need help get it. I’m glad that Herzog is able to say that his experience was a net positive, but

If you look at it really, really, hard, it sort of looks like a Hilary robot, hastily re-decorated to look like Trump.

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

Two of the exact kind of people this world needs are now gone. At what point are people in this country going to realize that nazism and white supremacy are problems that need to be addressed and stopped.

Nicholas Giampa is the name of the Neo-Nazi who killed his girlfriend’s parents in cold blood. I have no qualms doxxing a murderer.