
Melania wanted to be a wealthy widow. Who would have thought that sentient oedema would live this long? I’m sure she’s never urged him to eat a salad or join he at the gym. Meanwhile, she’s keeping fit, ready to snag husband #2. I’m sure she’s pissed Trump hasn’t dropped dead of a massive coronary yet

we didn’t want this either, melania...

They’re just toasted walnuts but cinnamon sugar nuts would have been an awesome idea! It’s an apple spice cake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting.

That’s awesome planning on your part! I threw a Friendsgiving party last week and was super excited I was only 10 minutes late serving dinner so you’re way ahead of me!

You sound like those of us born between 1978 - 1984. We’re way too young to be true Gen Xers but too old to be true millennials. It’s a weird place to be.

In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

I’m doing the mac and cheese as well as cranberry sauce for my girlfriend’s family gathering on Friday. Let me just say that her idiot adopted brother, a die hard 45-er, will catch words if he starts his pro-45 shit. And THEN I’ll take my food off his damn plate and give it to the cat. Because fuck that deadbeat

I saw him in the Rashida Jones thread, picking the stupidest fights quibbling over who founded Pixar and then insulting and shouting over semantics. Why does that guy try so hard to get back here? He doesn’t like this place, got it, but why would you show up to a bar where all of the patrons hated you and management

“Well, I wouldn’t — I don’t want to throw him under the bus, but yes.”

Next time he should make flushing noises with his mouth and then “Sorry bathroom!”

You tell her she’s not allowed to bring anything but paper products until she learns her ass how to cook.

When has a kid ever needed help eating Mac and Cheese? That’s always been a “safe” food for pretty much any kid I’ve ever heard of.

LMAO This is such perfect timing.

I don’t like this analogy, because if a triceratops emerged out of the ground in front of me, I’d be excited as all hell.

I can’t believe Biden’s name is even mentioned as a possible candidate in 2020 at fucking 78 years old. Perhaps it’s that he’s the one fanning the flames. I like Biden just fine. Seems like a decent guy, but he’s WAY too old to be President, and I think this is well understood.

Maybe by staying quiet until She had all the facts? All they basically did was make the writer’s situation even worse by inserting themselves into the story.

Tbh, ‘‘Barack Obama’s First 100 Days were so black’’ sounds like the most lit article ever. It could discuss the extreme and immediate renovations that took place in their living quarters, replacing busts of mediocre white men with portraits of the cast of Fresh Prince. It could explore how our First Lady rehabbed an

What would it look like if Trump started getting his way on everything? If literally every undocumented person was removed from the U.S. If all of our intelligence was being shared with Russia. If we used nukes on ISIS and the Taliban. If we were to begin building a 20-foot wall unbroken from the Pacific to the Gulf

What if it works, though? What if the corporate and finance sectors are so happy to have a pro-business guy in there that stocks surge and companies start expanding?