
Well, hell, I’m 60 and white and I thought “Get Out” was damn good, and more to the point, something we haven’t seen or heard before. Greta Gerwig literally this minute on the Oscars just said “We need your movie.” Yep.

Dammit, I forgot 2044 and this won’t let me update.

No presidential dick worries for 50 years? We can totally do this!

Men in this country (and everywhere) care about women to the extent that it affects their own lives. And that’s it. Very simple.

Agreed. Used to love the earnest boys saying, “You know, I think Bailey is actually more attractive than Jennifer.” LOL.

Uh, rookies? I’m 60 AND female, so don’t even... My fucks are in some dumpster with my career aspirations, wedding ring, and size 12 jeans. 😆😆

May I have more stars for this person, please?

Basically what I was thinking, unfortunately.

As I was reading this, I was thinking about the footage from the civil rights protests the networks showed in the early 60s. Historians (at least the ones I’ve read) believe that the scenes of teenagers being firehosed, clubbed, threatened by dogs, etc., was an eye opener for a lot of docile white people who became

A teacher who says “OK, spell-check, I’m good” for SPELLING WORDS should not be a teacher.


SHE’S NOT OKAY. EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY. What kind of paternalistic, anti-female, pathetic bullshit is this? It makes no sense, for one thing: someone entering Stanford in 2030 will have NO IDEA wtf this is supposed to mean.

I’m kind of in love with John Musgrave from the show, but I think he’s married.

Old(er) mom here. For what it’s worth, I fought my firstborn tooth and nail over the pacifier, and I won. But instead, she started sucking her thumb - and did not stop until well into grade school. Try taking a thumb from a kid. She had a bump on her thumb that may still be there. She’ll be 25 this year.

Seeing the difference between my kids in their late teens and now, as they approach their mid-20s (😳😳 Holy shirt, is that possible?) - I can only say they’ve matured a lot, and Haley’s mom can reasonably hope for this.

Kerry. Kerry Perry.

This dude (William Howard Taft, our 27th President) was just under 6 ft and weighed between 335 and 340. He once got stuck in the White House bathtub.

Oh, it is the WORST. Not only did this asshole publish it against the sentiments of the entire editorial board, he apparently wouldn’t let an editor NEAR IT. It just goes on, and on, and on. It was also published in the Toledo Blade, another paper the Blocks own. (Shout out to Toledo!) Oh, and another tasty morsel

A failed one, apparently.

Egg-cellent point, Your Majesty.