
How old are you?

So if he took her name, he’d be Harkle Markle?!!

Absolutely. A certain kind of white woman is gonna do just fine with this. Classism, racism, ageism - probably not so much sexism this one, very isolated, time.

PA Senator Casey? Anything’s possible, but I doubt it. Seems like a nice guy, family man, not the sharpest guy, but decent. And I always admired him for coming out for Obama during the PA primary in ‘08, when every other old guard D in the state was With Her.

I don’t agree that all of his movies suck (Crimes and Misdemeanors, Husbands and Wives....Manhattan is obviously “problematic,” but I think it’s very good.).

Hold on right there. Never got past the first paragraph. Just wanted to show you the Sylvers women were no slouches.

One word: Hillary. I never ever watch morning TV (because instead of that I can be SLEEPING.) But I caught Lauer “interviewing” Hillary last year, and I was appalled. He was doing a terrible impression of a serious newsman, and a misogynistic one as well.

Goddamn right.

I shared this on my FB page, forgetting to reset so it would just be seen by my like-minded “politics” list. (Actually, I didn’t forget; I naively tried to do a little outreach ha ha ha.)

Because a whole bunch of white women hate, resent, and mistrust each other, and still look to men to make their decisions for them.

In 1967 or something, my cousin was babysitting us and was using one of those squirty cookie tubes, and she sliced the shit out of her hand and had to go to the hospital.

I have a theory, or maybe just a gut feeling: guys who make a point of putting “Sr.” after their names are usually jerks. If your father is well-known and you are too (ie Sammy Davis Jr.), then the Jr. makes sense, and is a nice mark of respect to Dad.

Bedrock creativity: me and Keegan-Michael Key. Yesss. Is he married? Is he a fanatic about it? Does he like relatively older women, or women in general?

*waving white hand* Me.

I click on some Rex Tillerson cringiness and what do I get? Ethereal pies! Thank you, Jezebel! Feel free to replace all Trump items with dogs, laughing babies, and pie.

I’ll bet Jerry (original first name) knows about news being a “flirty business.” Let’s ask his four ex-wives. Including Kurt Vonnegut’s daughter Edith. (Kurt did not like him, LOL.) And then he groped Bette Midler.

Mayonnaise does not belong anywhere.

Kids. Read the previous posts. This baking wunderkind has answered the “what kind of cake” question 4 times (and counting).

Can I just say that, having been born in 1957, I feel I’m in an unnamed DMZ between the Boomers and Gen X? Technically, we’re well within the boomer age range (so’s Obama BTW), but I was 11 at the height of the hippie stuff. Not part of that ilk. More like disco and Jimmy Carter

Damon, this is the best thing you’ve ever written. I hope you send it to the Pulitzer committee.